Physiology – Solved University MCQ’s
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PHYSIOLOGY(A and B 2023/02Mains)
1.Gap junctions are intercellular connections that
a.Primarily serve to keep cells separated
bServe as a barrier to prevent molecule movement within the cell membrane
c.Permit rapid spread of electrical potential changes from one cell to another
d.Hold adjacent cells firmly together in areas that are subjected to stretching
Answer: c
2.Stretch reflex is integrated at various levels of central nervous system.Lowest level of integration of stretch reflex is
A,Cerebrum b.Cerebellum c.Pons d.Spinal cord
Answer: d
3.A 50 year old person has history of stroke due to vascular accidentNow he is able to write down his thoughts but is not able to express his ideas as spoken wordsWhat is the most likely condition?
a.Motor aphasia b.Sensory aphasia c.Aprexia d.Visual agnosia
Answer: a
4.Most likely mechanism responsible for abrupt cessation of skeletal muscle contraction in a normal subject attempting to lift a heavy load
a.Activation of stretch receptors in golgi tendon organ
b. Activation of stretch receptors in annulospiral endings
c.Skeletal muscle ischaemia
d.ATP depetion in skeletal muscle
Answer: a
5.Growth factors and histamines are the chemical agents released in small amounts that act locally on neighbouring cells.Which of the following best describes the type of function of growth factors and histamine?
aEndocrine b.Paracrine c.Autocrine d.Neurocrine
Answer: b
6. A young couple is trying to conceive their first child.The woman speaks to her mother who tells her that she should take her temperature to determine when she ovulates.The action of which of the following hormones is responsible for this change in body temperature?
a.Estrogen b.Human chorionic gonadotropin c.Luteinizing hormone d.Progesterone
Answer: d
7. A 45 years old woman working in an office had been experiencing tingling sensation in index,middle finger and thumb of her right hand.Recently her wrist and hand had become weak.Her physician ordered a nerve conduction test for evaluation.Which of the following nerve fibres has the slowest conduction velocity in such a case?
a.A alpha fibres b.A beta fibres c.B fibres d.C fibres
Answer: d
8.Deep in the forests a tribe uses arrows dipped in a liquid to hunt animals.The compound used is called curare.Mechanism of action of curare is
a.Prevents action potential from reaching synaptic junction
b.Prevents release of Acetylcholine from vesicles
c.Binds with acetylcholine receptor on the post synaptic membrane and prevents action of acetylcholine
d.Binds with calcium channels and prevents entry of calcium into cells.
Answer: c
9.A 60 year old man presents with chief complaints of gait disturbances and tremors in the hands.On examination patient had mask like face,pill rolling movements in both hands and shuffling gait.What is the probable diagnosis?
a.Parkinson disease b.Epilepsy c.Thalamic syndrome d.Chorea
Answer: c
10.An endometrial biopsy was performed in a woman with dysfunctional uterine bleeding.It revealed increased number of endometrial glands.Which hormone is responsible for this type of endometrium?
a.Estrogen b.Progesterone c.FSH d.LH
Answer: a
11.A 40 year old male complains of high blood pressure,heavy sweating,palpitations,shortness of breath and tremors.Scan revealed a mass in one adrenal gland.There was an increase in 24 hr urinary excretion of vanillymandelic acid.What is the most probable diagnosis in this patient?
a.Pheochromocytoma b.Addisons disease c.Cushings syndrome d.Hyperaldosteronism
Answer: a
12.Which of the following characteristics of a hydrophobic hormone that binds to nuclear receptors is most important in governing its diffusability through a cell membrane?
a.Diameter b.Electrical charge c.Lipid solubility d. Molecular weight
Answer: c
13.A patient with hyperkalemic renal failure is given an infusion of glucose and insulin.The actions of insulin include which of the following?
a.Converting glycogen to glucose b.Enhancing potassium entry into the cells c.Increasing plasma amino acid concentration d.Stimulating gluconeogenesis
Answer: b
14.A 45 year old woman has a mass in the sella turcica that compresses the portal vessels,disrupting pituitary access to hypothalamic secretions.The secretion rate of which hormone would most likely increase in this patient?
a.ACTH b.GH c.Prolactin d.LH
Answer: c
15.A 56 year old woman presents with abnormal movements of the limbs,a lesion of the globus pallidus is suspected.Which of the following did she mostly present with?
a.Chorea b.Athetosis c.Hemiballismus d.Parkinsonism
Answer: b
16.A patient undergoes a neurological examination that indicates ipsilateral loss of touch,vibration sense and proprioceptive sensations.Lesion of which tracts is responsible for the above features?
a.Spinothalamic tract b.Spinocerebellar tracts c.Corticospinal tract d. Dorsal column tract
Answer: d
17.A 40 year old comatose man was rushed to hospital by his relatives.The doctor assessed his papillary light reflex.He found that when light is shown into either his left or right eye,only his right pupil showed constriction.Out of the following which side must have been damaged?
a.Right oculomotor nerve b.Right optic nerve c.Left oculomotor nerve d.Left optic nerve
Answer: c
18.A 45 year old male was diagnosed with a nervous system disorder,one of the potential consequences of which is reduced taste sensitivity.Which three cranial nerves might be defective in an individual with reduced taste perception?
a.Trigeminal,facial and glossopharyngeal
b.Facial,glossopharyngeal and vagal
c.Glossopharyngeal,vagal and trigeminal
d.Vagal,facial and trochlear
19.A 56 year old lady presented with history of gastrointestinal disturbances since last four months.She was also experiencing tiredness with history of weight loss.On examination hyperpigmentation was noticed on her face and hands..Her blood pressure was low.Which of the following glands is involved?
a.Parathyroid gland b.Thyroid gland c.Adrenal gland d.Pancreas
Answer: c
20.Reflux of semen into the urinary bladder and simultaneous discharge of urine is prevented by
a.Contraction of muscle coat of epididymis
b.Contraction of internal vesical sphincter
c.Contraction of external vesical sphincter
d.Activation of detrusor vesicae
Answer: b
21.If JVP is examined in a patient with right sided heart failure
a.The a wave will be prominent b.There will be no v wave c.There will be prominent c wave d.There will be prominent x descent
22. When saliva is flowing from acini into the duct,its composition changes as
a.Sodium and Potassium are extracted b.Sodium and Bicarbonate are extracted c.Potassium and Bicarbonate are added d.It becomes hypertonic with respect to plasma
23.Salivary secretion is controlled by the autonomic nervous system in one of the following manner
a.Parasympathetic secretion increases proteinaceous content
b.Sympathetic stimulation mainly increases the volume of the saliva
c.Parasympathetic stimulation increases flow of saliva
d.Parasympathetic stimulation makes it hypertonic
24.Gastrin is an important hormone of gastrointestinal system.Most appropriate statement regarding gastrin is
a.A hormone released by F cell in the pancreas
b.Released in increased amount in response to presence of oligopeptides in stomach
c.Inhibitary to enterochromaffin like cells in the parietal glands
d.Inactivated primarily in gastric mucosa.
25.The primary action of cholecystokinin is
a.Inhibtion of the action of secretin in promoting pancreatic juice
b.Stimulation of gastric emptying
c.Decreasing the motility of small intestine
d.Causing the contraction of gall bladder and relaxation of sphincter of oddi
26. During parasympathetic stimulation the heart rate decreases as a result of
a.Increased potassium conductance of nodal tissue due to acetyl choline release at the PNS nerve endings
b.Increased chloride conductance leading to hyperpolarization of nodal tissue membrane
c.Increasd production of cAMP due to activation of nicotinic receptorsin the nodal tissues
d.Increasd production of cAMP in the cells leading to closure of hyperpolarization activated sodium channels.
Answer: a
27.In a person whose potassium level is 8 mEq/L,one of the following changes are expected in the ECG
a.Appearance of tall peaked T wave
b.Low voltage electro-cardiogram
c.Alteration in the depolarization of the heart
d.Prolongation in PR interval
28.In a patient presenting with complete heart block
a.Ventricles beat at a lower rate than atria
b.There is widening of the QRS complex
c.There is low incidence of ventricular arrhythmia
d.Stroke volume is decreased
29. The progression of shock from reversible to irreversible state follows a positive feedback cycle.If the different events in this cycle are arranged in a sequential manner,the correct sequence will be
a.Decreased cardiac output-Decreased atrial pressure-Increased capillary permeability-further loss of BP
b.Decreased atrial pressure-cardiac necrosi-release of tyoxins-cardiac depression
c.Decreased cardiac output-Decreased arterial BP-Tissue ischaemia-release of toxins-cardiac depression
d.Decreased arterial pressure-decreased coronary circulation-myocardial ischaemia-myocardial death
30.In a patient of emphysema,if we perform a lung function test,we expect one of the following changes:
a.Decrease in lung compliance b.Increased residual volume c.Better ventilation-perfusion matching-Decreased airway resistance
31.A 49 year old patient with severe Chrohns disease has been unresponsive to drug therapy and indergoes ileal resection.He developed steatorrhoea due to
a.The increased production of bile acid from liver
b.No formation of chylomicrons in the intestine
c.No formation of micelles in the intestine
d.No secretion of lipase from pancreas
32.The basic pathophysiology of edema in dependent parts of body due to prolonged immobilization is
a.High venous pressure and venous constriction
b.Increased capillary pressure
c.Decreased plasma proteins
d.Increased capillary permeability
33.An adult stranded in a desert has no food and water for 2 days. Which statement is most appropriate as a compensatory response by his body to this condition?
a. Below normal blood concentration of aldosterone
b. High rate of firing of the carotid sinus nerves
c. Renin secretion greater than normal.
d. Low circulating levels of vasopressin
Answer: c
34. In severely anaemic patients,a systolic ejection murmur can often be heard. Which of the following could account for this?
a. Elevated heart rate b. Decreased velocity of blood flow c.Increased stroke volume d. Increased viscosity of blood
Answer: c
35.In an aging hypertensive patient,when arterial BP is measured,we always get a large pulse pressure. The pathophysiology of this is
a .Low compliance of arterial walls b. Due to side effects of antihypertensive drugs
c. Because of a very large stroke volume
d. Because the heart is usually hypertrophic
Answer: a
36.A 30 year old patient attending the medicine OPD complains of headache and vertigo. Her blood test revealed a hematocrit of 55% leading to diagnosis of polycythemia. Which of the following would be increased?
a. Mean blood pressure b. Radius of the resistance vessel c. Radius of the capacitance vessel d. Central venous pressure
Answer: a
37.A 16 year old female with pure vegetarian diet had complaints of tingling sensation,numbness and easy fatigability.hich vitamin deficiency do you suspect?
a.Thiamin b.Niacin c.Cyanocobalamin d.Folate
38.A 13 year old girl with fatigue and weaMCH 22pg and RDW was 28.Which is the most probable diagnosis?
a.Thalassemia minor b.Iron deficiency anaemia c.Sideroblastic anaemia d.Thalassemia major
Answer: b
39.A patient complained of progressive difficulty in swallowing and pain in the chest.On X ray the oesophagus was found to be massively dilated.The most probable cause is
a.Acute gastritis b.Achalasia cardia c.Peptic ulcer d.Reflux oesophagitis
40.The biochemical investigation of a patient admitted in medical ward is as follows.
arterial PCO2 46mmHg,ph 6.8,HCO3 18mEq/L.The most probable diagnosis would be
a. Compensated respiratory acidosis b.Compensated metabolic acidosis c. Decompensated metabolic acidosis d. Compensated metabolic alkalosis
Answer: c
Physiology – A & B(2023/06 Supplementary)
41. Massaging the skin or applying an irritating substance to the skin can suppress the transmission of pain signals from the corresponding area of the body by suppressing the sensory fibres that transmit the pain signal. Which statement describes best?
a. Lateral inhibition of allogenic fibers by tactile fibers from adjacent areas of the skin
b. Presynaptic and postsynaptic inhibition of serotonin C-type fibers.
c. Activation of neurons of the periaqueductal grey substance
d. Release of endorphin from local neurons in the spinal cord
Answer: b
42. A 48-year-old man was undergoing a thorough neurological exam after falling from a construction platform. The test included an evaluation of his deep tender reflex. Considering entire reflex pathway is intact, which of the following structures CAN NOT trigger a muscle contraction when stimulated?
a. Gamma motor neurons
b. Loading of spindle
c. Primary (Group Ia) fiber
d. Golgi tendon organ
Answer: d
43. A man falls into deep sleep with one arm under his head. After awakening the arm is paralyzed but tingling sensation and pain sensation persists. This loss of motor function without the loss of sensory function is because.
a. type A fiores are more susceptible to hypoxia that B
b. type A fibres are more sensitive to pressure than C
c. fibres are more sensitive to pressure than A
d.Sensory nerves are nearer bone and hence affected by pressure
Answer: b
44. 33-year-old man presents with headache for 4 weeks and a right-sided lower motor neuron facial weakness for 3 days. On the day of admission he had developed partial nerve deadness in his left ear. Which is correct finding after doing hearing test.
a. Rinne’s test is positive right ear and sound lateralized to left ear in weber’s test.
b. Rinne’s test is negative in left ear and sound lateralized to right ear in weber’s test.
c. Rinne’s test is positive in left ear and sound lateralized to right ear in weber’s test
d. Sounds are not perceived.
Answer: c
45. A 69-year-old woman was admitted to hospital with complains of headache and blurring of vision and pain in both the eyes. On visual examination, she has a reduced ability to see objects in upper and lower quadrant of the left visual fields of both eye. But vision is present in the central regions of the visual field. The diagnosis is
a. Heteronymous hemianopia without macular sparing
b. Heteronymous hemianopia with macular sparing
c. Homonymous hemianopia without macular sparing
d. Homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing
Answer: d
46. A 48-year-old man was undergoing a thorough neurological exam after falling from a construction platform. The test included an evaluation of his knee jerk reflex and considering entire reflex pathway is intact, which of the following is true regarding reflexes
a. The reaction time for stretch reflex is between 19-24 ms
b. The spinal nerve involved in the testing of knee jerk reflex S1 spinal nerve
c. Spindles are located in muscle tendons
d. Muscle spindle fibres are innervated by Ib type.
Answer: b
47. An ophthalmologist explains to a patient that he is a protanope these patients have difficulty in identifying which of the following colour
a. Red
b. green
C. Blue
d. Black
Answer: a
48. An MD/PhD candidate was studying the role of the hypothalamus in appetite control. In particular, he made a lesion on the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus in order to investigate the effects of this area on appetite. A lesion of this area in the hypothalamus causes to:
a. Decrease eating,hyperactivity and weight loss
b. Excessive eating and weight gain
c. Satiety and weight gain
d. Decreased eating and no change in weight
Answer: b
49. An MD/Ph.D. candidate was studying the role of various areas of the brain on the induction of sleep. In particular, he stimulated numerous areas of the brain and brain stem in order to investigate the effects of these areas on Sleep. Which of the following brain regions induces sleep when stimulated?
a Facilitating reticular formation
b. Raphe nuclei
c. Hippocampus
d. Substantia nigra
Answer: b
50. A 20-year-old women who was administered a gonadotroph- stimulating drug responded with an increase in plasma luteinizing hormone levels but follicles stimulating hormone levels remain low. Level of which of the following hormones would also be expected to remain unaffected by such a drug
a. Oestradiol
b. Progesterone
C. Androstenedione
d. Testosterone
Answer: a
51. Blood tests on a 34-year-old man identified high levels of circulating adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Levels of which of the following adrenal cortex hormones would be least likely to be affected by high ACTH?
a. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
b. Cortisol
C. Corticosterone
d. Aldosterone
52. A young woman loses sensation on the left side below the mid-thoracic region after falling down a flight of stairs. A CT scan of her spine revealed a lesion in her dorsal column. All of the following ascending sensory pathways are located in the dorsal column except
a. pain
b. touch
c. pressure
d. vibration
Answer: a
53. A 25-year-old Olympic weightlifter tries to lift a weight. The length of skeletal muscle at which he can develop maximal active tension is called:
a. Initial length
b. Resting length
C. Maximum length.
d. Active length
Answer: d
54. A young woman lost sensation on the left side below the mid-thoracic region after falling down a flight of stairs. A CT scan of her spine revealed a lesion in her anterolateral spinal cord segment. A lesion in the anterolateral segment of the spinal cord is associated with
a. Contralateral loss of pain
b. Ipsilateral loss of temperature
c. Contralateral loss of pressure
d. Contralateral vibration loss
Answer: a
55. A 14-year-old boy with an autoimmune disease that destroyed his pancreatic áşž cell is most likely to exhibit which of the following signs and symptoms?
a. Hyperglycaemia and diuresis
b. Hyperkalaemia
C. Enhanced protein storage in muscle
d. Enhance glucose uptake by deposit.
Answer: a
56. After falling down a flight of stairs a young woman has partial loss of voluntary movement on the right side of her body and loss of pain and temperature sensation on the left side. It is probable that she has a lesion damaging the right half of the spinal cord. All are characteristic features of this lesion except
a. Fine touch, vibration preserved on same side
b. Motor paralysis on the same side
C. Loss of pain and temperature on opposite side
d. Loss of kinaesthetic sensation on opposite side
Answer: a
57. A 60-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease has been able to continue to work and help with routine jobs around the house but now he has tremors and rigidity that interfere with these activities. The characteristics of these tremors could be all except
a. It consists of regular rhythmic alternate contraction of antagonist and agonist muscle
b. Common side being the face muscles
c. Present at rest but disappear during activity
d. Occur at rate of 6-8 times per second
Answer: b
58. A 35-year-old woman reports muscle weakness in the extraocular eye muscles and muscles of the extremities. She feels fine in the morning, but the weakness begins soon after she becomes active. The weakness is improved by rest. The physician treats her with an anticholinesterase inhibitor.Her physician diagnoses her with
a. Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
b. Myasthenia Gravis
c. Multiple Sclerosis
d. Parkinson Disease.
Answer: b
59.An MD/Ph.D. student studied sleep patterns in full-term infants. Paradoxical sleep occupies about 80% of total rest. Paradoxical sleep consists of
a. REM sharp wave and fast rhythm
b. REM spike and slow wave
c. NREM Delta wave
d. NREM high spikes theta wave
Answer: b
60. Which hormone from the list below is produced by Senoli cells and stimulates GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) secretion?
a. Luteinizing hormone (LH)
b. Activin
c. Androgen-binding protein (ABP)
d. Testosterone
Answer: c
61. Maximum contraction of gall bladder is seen with
a. CCK
b. Secretin
C. Gastrin
D. Enterogastrone
Answer: a
62. The PR interval is
a. The beginning of the P wave and the beginning of R wave
b. The beginning of the P wave and the beginning of QRS complex
C. The end of the P wave and the beginning of QRS complex
d. The end of the P wave and the end of QRS complex
Answer: b
63. Which of the following is NOT a hypovolemic shock?
a. Hemorrhage Diarrhea.
b. Burn
c. Diarrhea
d. Heart failure
Answer: d
64. The most common cause of anemia in developing country is
a. Malignancy
b. Infection
c. Nutritional deficiency.
b. Drugs causing bone marrow suppression
Answer: c
65. Which is the first and immediate event in hemostasis
a. Platelet adhesion
b. Platelet aggregation
c. Vasoconstriction
d. Platelet activation
Answer: c
66. Which of the following intestinal movement is for mixing and grinding of intestinal content
a. Peristalsis
b. Segmentation
c. Villus contraction
d. Migrating myoelectric complex
Answer: a
67. Blood pressure is defined as the product of
a. Systolic pressure x pulse rate
b. Diastolic pressure x pulse rate
C. Pulse pressure x pulse rate
d. Cardiac output x peripheral resistance
Answer: d
68. Neutrophil count is high
a. During acute bacterial infection.
b. Typhoid fever
c. In pernicious anemia
b. Drugs depressing bone marrow
69. Stimulation of parasympathetic nerve to salivary gland causes
a. Increased secretion rich in organic constituents
b. Decreased secretion
c. Increased watery secretion rich in enzyme and mucin
d. Secretion is unaffected
Answer: c
70. Baroreceptor stimulation produces
a. Decreased heart rate and blood pressure
b. Increased heart rate and blood pressure
c. Increased cardiac contractility
d. Baroreceptor adaptation
Answer: a
71. Exercise causes which of the following?
a. Increased blood flow to the muscles after half minute
b. Increase in cerebral blood flow due to increase in systolic blood pressure
c. Increased body temperature
d. Decreased O2 consumption
Answer: a
72. GFR is precisely measured by
a. Inulin
b. Hippuric acid
c. Creatinine
d. PAH
Answer: a
73. Which of the following is NOT absorbed in proximal convoluted tubule
a. Na+
b. Phosphate
d. H+
Answer: d
74. Countercurrent mechanism in the kidney is responsible for
a. Maintenances of blood flow
b. Absorption of Glucose
c. Osmotic gradient of medulla
d. Secretion of uric acid
Answer: c
75. The first physiological response to high environmental temperature is
a. Sweating
b. Vasodilation
c. Decreased heat production
d. Decreased non-shivering thermogenesis
Answer: b
76. Which of the following does not stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors?
a. Hypoxic hypoxia
b. Stagnant hypoxia
c. Anemic hypoxia
d. Histotoxic hypoxia
Answer: c
77. Timed vital capacity (FEV1) is less than 70% in
a. Bronchial asthma
b. Bronchitis
c. Pulmonary fibrosis
d. Lung collapse
Answer: a
78. Which of the following is seen in high altitude climates?
a. Decreased density of systemic capillaries
b. Hypertension
c. Bradycardia
d. Increase in pulmonary ventilation
Answer: d
79. Activation of sympathetic fibers caused all EXCEPT
a. Increased heart rate
b. Increased conduction velocity
c. Decreased coronary blood flow
d. Increased myocardial contractility
Answer: c
80. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a type of
a. Anemic hypoxia
b. Histotoxic hypoxia
c. Hypoxic hypoxia
d. Stagnant hypoxia
Answer: b
Physiology 2023/11(Mains A and B)
81. The primary force moving water molecules from the blood plasma to interstitial fluid is:-
a. Filtration
b. Active transport
c. Diffusion,
d. Co transport
82. Resting membrane potential is mainly due to permeability of membrane to:
a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Chloride
d. Magnesium
83. A couple is concerned as they are not able to conceive, consult a fertility centre where the consultant advises them to monitor which of the following to predict ovulation:
a. Drop in body temperature
b. Increase in serum estrogen level
c. Decrease in serum FSH levels
d. increase in serum LH levels
84. In skeletal muscle, the myosin binding site on actin is covered by
a. Troponin
b. Tropomyosin
c. Calcium
d. Calmodulin
85. After sitting with one legged crossed under the other for several hours, a 40 year old man on standing could not walk immediately but felt tingling and pain. Which of the following explains loss of motor function without loss of pain sensation in peripheral nerves?
a. C fibres are more sensitive to pressure than Aáşž fibres
b. Aáşž fibres are more sensitive to pressure than C fibres
c. C fibres are more sensitive to hypoxia than B fibres
d. C fibres have higher conduction velocity than A fibres
86. The adaptability of smooth muscle to new length with less increase in tension as seen extensively in blood vessels, viscera and bladder is known as:
a. Tetany
b. Contracture
c. Plasticity
d. Recruitment
87. In a healthy alert adult sitting with eyes closed, the dominant EEG rhythm observed with electrodes over occipital lobes is:
a. Delta (0.5-4 Hz)
b. Theta (4-7 Hz)
c. Alpha (8-13 Hz)
d. beta (18-30 Hz)
88. Primary function of basal ganglia is:
a. Short term memory
b. Sensory integration
c. Neuro endocrine control
d. Planning voluntary movement
89. A 25 year old man finds it increasingly difficult to read the newspaper. His vision problem is most likely due to inability to contract which of the following:
a. Iris
b. Ciliary muscle
C. Suspensory ligament
d. Extra ocular muscles
90. A 39 years old man presents with enlarged head, hands, feet, hirsutism. gynecomastia and lactation. He is most likely suffering from a tumor in which location?
a. Hypothalamus
b. Anterior pituitary
c. Posterior pituitary
d. Adrenal cortex
91. A 41 years old man complains to his physician of jet lag whenever he flies long distance. Melatonin is prescribed to reset his circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is controlled by which of the following?
a. Paraventricular nucleus
b. Ventromedial nucleus
c. Suprachiasmatic nucleus
d. Arcuate nucleus
92. A patient complaints of muscles weakness. On administration of neostigmine, if disappears because:
a. It blocks the action of acetylcholine
b. It competes with Ach for receptors on motor end plate
c. It acts by persistent depolarization of motor end plate
d. interferes with action of anticholinesterase
93. Which of the following is not an inhibitory cell in cerebellum:
a. Stellate cell
b. Basket cell
c. Golgi cell
d. Granule cell
94. A patient brought to emergency room following gunshot wound is diagnosed having brown sequard syndrome. What symptoms clinched the diagnosis
a. Pain and temperature lost on opposite side
b. Fine touch and vibration lost on opposite side
c. Pain and temperature lost on same side
d. Only fine touch lost on opposite side
95. Which of the following are incorrectly paired?
a. Tympanic membrane: manubrium of malleus
b. Helicotrema: apex of cochlea
c. Foot plate of stapes:oval window
d. Otoliths: semicircular canals.
96. A patient can perceive sound but fails to understand the meaning of sound. The lesion is most likely in:
a. Primary auditory cortex
b. Auditory association areas
c. Inferior colliculus
d. VIII nerve
97. A patient suffering from bilateral temporal lobe lesions was diagnosed as suffering from Kluver Bucky syndrome. Which is NOT a feature of this syndrome?
a. Loss of appetite
b. Hypersexuality
c. Hyperorality
d. Loss of fear
98. A 59 years old woman admitted with agitation, aggression and irregular flinging movements. She is diagnosed with Huntigton’s chorea, a hereditary disease affecting neurons in:
a. Cerebellum
b. Substantia nigra
c. Striatum
d. Limbic system
99.Accidental removal of parathyroid glands during thyroidectom results in:
a. Hypercalcemia
b. Paraesthesias
c. Myxedema
d. Fallin BMR
100. A lady fearing unwanted pregnancy following unsafe coitus may use the morning after pill or emergency contraception which work by: a.
a. Decreasing motility of sperms
b. Blocks entry of sperms in fallopian tubes
c. Prevents fertilization & implantation
d. Prevents fertilization by inhibiting ovulation
101. A 45 year old man presents to the emergency department with a 2 week
history of diarrhea that has gone progressively worse during the past several days. He has minimal urine output and is admitted
to the hospital for dehydration. His stool specimen is positive for parasitic eggs. Which type of WBC would have an elevated number?
a. Eosinophils
b. Neutrophils
c. T lymphocytes
d. Monocytes
102. A healthy 25 year old medical student participates in a 20 kilometer charity run for the Indian Medical Association. Which muscles does the student use during expiration?
a. Diaphragm and external intercostals
b. Diaphragm and internal intercostals
c. Internal intercostals and abdominal recti.
d. Sternocleidomastoids
103. A 75 year old woman with a history of chronic congestive heart failure undergoes cardiac catheterization to determine her extent of cardiac dysfunction. During estimation of her systolic function, in what phase of the cardiac cycle should her peak left ventricular pressure occur
a. Rapid filling
b. Isovolumetirc contraction.
c. Ventricular ejection.
d. Atrial systole
104. Which one of the following would tend to increase capillary filtration rate
a. Decreased capillary hydrostatic pressure
b. Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure.
c. Decreased interstitial colloid osmotic pressure
d. Decreased capillary water permeability
105. A 22-year-old woman runs a 10-km race on a hot day and becomes dehydrated. Assuming that her kidneys are functioning normally, in whigh part of the renal tubule is the most water reabsorbed?
a. Proximal tubule
b. Loop of Henle
c. Distal tubule
d. Cortical collecting tubule
106. A 40 years old male who had underwent gastric surgery for peptic ulcer, came to OPD with compliant of nausea and vomiting within 10-30 min after a meal and hypoglycaemic symptoms an hour or this later. What is the possible cause?
a. Achalasia cardia
b. Dumping syndrome
c. Coeliac disease
d. Diabetes mellitus
107. A 15 year old child is admitted to Hospital with recent onset of widespread petechial hemorrhage on the skin. Which of the laboratory investigations finding is most likely to account for this problem?
a. Deficiency of Factor VIII
B. Thrombocytopenia
C. Deficiency of Prothrombin
d. Deficiency of Vitamin K
108. A 54 year old man sustains third degree burns in a house fire. His respiratory rate is 30/min, Hb 17g/dl, arterial PO2 is 95 mmHg and arterial O2 saturation is 50%. The most likely cause of his oxygen saturation is:
a. Airway obstruction from smoke inhalation
b. Carbon monoxide poisoning
c. Pulmonary edema
d. Fever
109. A patient suffering from Zollinger Ellison Syndrome would be expected to have :-
a. Excessive acid reflux into the esophagus, resulting in esophagitis
b. Excessive secretion of CCK, causing continuous contraction of the gall bladder
c. A gastrin secreting tumor of the pancreas, causing excessive stomach acid secretion
d. Inadequate secretion of bicarbonate by the pancreas
110. A patient presents to your clinic complaining of extreme fatigue and shortness of breath on exertion that has gradually worsened during the past 2 weeks. Her vital signs include: pulse 110/min, respiratory rate 22/min, blood pressure of 120/70 mm of Hg. Her hematologic values are as follows: Hb. 8g/dl, Hct 25 %, RBC cout 3million/ul and platelet count 4 lac /ul, On a peripheral smear, her RBC are microcytic amd hypochromic. What is your diagnosis?
a. Aplastic Anaemia
b. Renal failure
c. Iron deficiency anaemia
d. Sickle cell anaemia
111. A patient has a dead space of 150 ml FRC of 3 liters, tidal volume (TV) of 650 ml, expiratory reserve volume (ERV) of 1.5 1, total lung capacity (TLC) of 8 1, and respiratory rate of 15 breaths/min. What is the residual volume (RV)?
a. 500 ml
b. 1000 ml
c. 1500 ml
d. 2500 ml
112. Small intestinal movements are inhibited by
a. Secretin & glucagon
b. Gastrin & CCK
c. Motilin & CCK
d. Insulin & Motilin
113. A 48-year-old man’s ECG shows that he has an R-R interval of 1.8 seconds at rest. Which statement best explains his condition?
a. He has fever
b. He may have an A-V block
c. He has decreased parasympathetic stimulation of the S-A pude
d. After exercise in a trained athlete
114. In uncompensated metabolic alkalosis:
a. The plasma pH, plasma HC03 concentration and arterial PC02 are all low
b. The plasma pH is high, plasma HC03 concentration and arterial pC02 are all low
C. The plasma pH, plasma HCO3 concentratione low and arterial pCO2 is normal
d. The plasma pH, plasma HC03 concentration are high and arterial pCO2 is normal
115. Which of the following statements about Migrating motor complexes is TRUE
a. They are inhibited by hormone motion.
b. The contractions migrate aborally a rate of about 5cm/min
C. They occur after ingestion of meals
d. Gastric and pancreatic secretion decrease during an MMC
116. The Plasma concentration of PAH is 0.01 mg/ml, the urine concentration is 5.85 mg/ml, and urine flow rate is 1 ml/min. If the extraction ratio for PAH is 90 % how much is the renal plasma flow.
a. 585 ml/min
b. 650 ml/min
c. 1182 ml/min
d. 1200 ml/min
117. A 25-year-old man who has been in a motorcycle wreck enters the emergency department. His clothes are very bloody, and his arterial pressure is decreased to 70/40 mm Hg. His heart rate is 120 beats/min, and his respiratory rate is 30/min. Which therapy would the physician recommend is the best?
a. Infusion of blood
b. Infusion of plasma
c. Infusion of a balanced electrolyte solution
d. Infusion of a sympathomimetic drug
118. A tourist who reaches Leh by aeroplane and starts trekking on the hills out of the excitement. Commonest complication likely to occur at high altitude (10,000ft) is:
a. Cerebral edema
b. Pulmonary edema
c. Mountain Sickness
d. Alkalosis
119. The tendency for turbulent flow is greatest in which of the following?
a. Arterioles
b. Capillaries
c. Small arterioles
d. Aorta
120. In stored blood, several changes can take place over time and can affect the quality and functionality of the blood components, particularly RBCs. Some of the key changes include decreased oxygen- carrying capacity due to:
a. Reduction in the levels of 2,3- diphosphoglycerate
b. Cell loses K+
c. Cell loses Na+
d. Dextrose is not added to preserve blood
Physiology (Paper A and B/2024/02)
121. The upstroke in action potential of which of the following is caused by flow of calcium ions into the cells?
a. Cardiac ventricular muscle
b. Intestinal smooth muscle
c. Skeletal muscle
d. Nerve cell
122. A 23 yr old basketball player collapses while playing in a hot gym. In the ER he is lethargic & confused, the coach reports that he had been drinking a lot of water during practice. An increase in which of the following is a cause of his symptoms?
a. Intracellular tonicity
b. Extracellular tonicity
c. Intracellular volume
d. Extracellular volume
123. A 72 yr old man reports to his physician that he finds it difficult to hold his hand steady while painting. Examination reveals resting tremors & rigidity, symptoms that are relieved by single dose of Levodopa. The patients is suffering from:
a. Huntington’s chorea
b. Parkinson’s disease
c. Wilson’s disease
d. Cerebellar lesion
124. In pathology of right middle ear, Weber’s test will be:
a. Lateralised to the right side
b. Lateralised to the left side
c. Centralised
d. Inconclusive
125. A 60 yr old woman goes to an ophthalmologist because she is having difficulty threading needles. An eye examination leads to diagnosis of presbyopia which is caused due to:
a. Retinal detachment
b. Ciliary muscle paralysis
c. Clouding of vitreous
d. Stiffening of the lens
126. An 18 month old boy with Vit D deficiency presents with delayed dentition, short stature and difficulty in walking due to defective:
a. Bone resorption by osteoclasts
b. Bone formation by osteoblasts
c. Calcification of bone matrix
d. Composition of bone collagen
127. Stimuli that increase Growth hormone secretion, are all except:
a. REM sleep
b. Fasting
c. Fever
d. Psychological stress
128. In annual school health check up a 15 yr old boy is found to be having unilateral cryptorchidism. The physician recommends surgery for the child to the parents to prevent infertility in future because:
a. Mature spermatozoa since birth are present in testis but will be difficult to release
b. Lower body temperature required for spermatogenesis not present in undescended testis
c. FSH is not able to act on Sertoli cells
d. Pulsatile release of Gonadotropin releasing hormone is decreased’
129. Which of the following characteristic of an axon is most dependent on its diameter?:
a. Duration of its refractory period
b. Magnitude of its resting potential
c. Overshoot of its action potential
d. Conduction velocity of its action potential
130. The daughter of an 85 yr old man brings him to a doctor complaining of memory loss, confusion & inability to perform routine activities. Cerebral cortical atrophy on MRI & presence of apolipoprotein 4 point towards diagnosis of:
a. Parkinsonism
b. Alzheimer’s disease
c. Huntington’s chorea
d. Vascular dementia
131. A 41 yr old man complains to his phvslcian of always feeling tired and having vivid dreams when he sleeps. On sleep evaluation, he is found to be suffering from narcolepsy and progression into REM sleep directly from wakeful state along with:
a. Decreased brain metabolism
b. Periods of loss of skeletal muscle tone
c. High amplitude EEG waves
d. Hyperventilation
132. Once conception takes place, which of the following must occur immediately in order for pregnancy to proceed uneventfully?
a. Corpus luteum must secrete progesterone to sustain endometrium
b. Pituitary must secrete HCG to maintain corpus luteum
c. Placenta must secrete FSH to maintain ovarian function
d. Placenta must secrete LH to maintain ovarian function
133. The morning after a rock concert, a 20 yr old college student notices difficulty in hearing during lecture. On visiting a physician, he suspects damage to hair cells in cochlea which are depolarized by:
a. Na+ into hair cells
b. CI- out of hair cells
c. Ca 2+ into hair cells
d. K+ into hair cells
Answer:Both c and d appear to be correct
134. A child demonstrates irregular, spasmodic, involuntary movements of limbs and facial muscles.He is most likely to have lesion in:
a. Precentral gyrus
b. Rubrospinal tract
c. Caudate nucleus
d. Post central gyrus
135. Lesion of which of the following structures leads to Kluver Bucy syndrome?
a. Frontal lobe
b. Parietal lobe
c. Temporal lobe
d. Occipital lobes
136. Which is not a feature of myxedema:
a. Hypersensitivity to cold
b. Lethargy
c. High BMR
d. Constipation
137. A 35 yr old woman experiences anterior pituitary hemorrhagic necrosis. She has pallor of skin, increased sensitivity to stress and weakness. The lack of which of the following hormones is most likely the cause of her symptoms:
b. GnRH
c. Prolactin
d. TSH
138. A 42 yr old patient has diplopia, fatigue, dysphagia and breathing difficulties. The physician diagnoses the condition as auto immune. What do you think is the patient suffering from?
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
b. Myasthenia gravis
c. Systemic lupus erythematosus
d. Multiple sclerosis
139. A 50 yr old woman with uncontrolled diabetes was undergoing vibrating sensory ability by application of high frequency tuning fork. Which kind of receptors are stimulated by it?
a. Meissner corpuscles
b. Merkel cells
c. Pacinian corpuscles
d. Ruffini corpuscles
140. Home use kits for determining a woman’s fertile period depend on the detection of one hormone in urine. This hormone is:
a. FSH
b. hCG
c. Progesterone
d. LH
141.A 30 year old woman comes to local emergency department with severe vomiting.She has pale pale skin,tachycardia and an arterial pressure of 70/45 and trouble walking.What therapy do you recommend to prevent shock?
a.Infusion of packed red blood cells b.Administration of an antihistamine c.Infusion of a balanced electrolyte solution d.Infusion of a sympathomimetic drug
142.What is the most important pathway for the respiratory response to systemic arterial PCO2?
a.CO 2 activation of the carotid bodies b.Hydrogen ion activation of the carotid bodies c. CO 2 activation of the chemosensitive area of the medulla d. Hydrogen ion activation of the chemosensitive area of the medulla
143.A 56 year old electrician has severe but undiagnosed gluten sensitivity with persistent diarrhea and weight loss.He has excessive bleeding after a dental extraction and is found to have a markedly prolonged prothrombin time of 37 seconds.What is the most likely cause of his excessive bleeding?
a.Hepatocellular disease b.Vitamin K deficiency c.Protein malnutrition with inadequate fibrinogen d.Loss of clotting factors through the gastrointestinal mucosa
144.The cardiac output of a 50 year old man is 6 L/minHR is 75 BPM.Left ventricular end diastolic volume is 120 ml.What is the mean ejection fraction?
a.35% b.50% c.66% d.70%
145.In a person on a high potassium(200 mmol/day) diet which part of the nephron would be expected to secrete the most potassium?
a.Proximal tubule b.Descending loop of Henle c.Ascending loop ogf Henle d.Collecting tubules
146.A 30 year old woman experiencing tachycardia begins to massage the carotid region of her neck which quickly reduces her heart rate.Which of the following mechanisms is responsible for this phenomenon?
a.Decreased activity of the cardioinhibitory center
b.Decreased afferent firing from baroreceptors to the nucleus tractus solitaries
c.Increased activity of the vasomotor centre
d.Increased afferent firing from baroreceptors to the nucleus tractus solitaries
147.Which of the following statements about the enteric nervous system is correct?
a.The enteric nervous system is a subdivision of the parasympathetic nervous system for control of gastrointestinal system
b.An outer plexus lying between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers is called the submucosal plexus or Meissner’s plexus
c.An inner plexus called the Myenteric or Auerbach’s plexus lies in the submucosa
d.The enteric nervous system can function independent of the autonomic innervation to the gastrointestinal tract.
148.A 14 year old boy has a lifelong history of excessive bleeding often involving bleeding into his joints(hemarthrosis).There is a positive history of a similar disorder in several male relatives.You may assume that he inherited this disorder from which parent(s)?
a.His father b.His mother c.Both parents d.Penetrance of this disorder is variable and difficult to interpret.
149.A patient with no respiratory problems and normal blood gases is given a 500 ml blood transfusion consisting of 90% red cells.Which of the following will occur?
a.Arterial pCO2 will decrease b.Arterial saturation will increase c.Arterial oxygen content will decrease d.Arterial oxygen content will increase
150.Gastric emptying time is increased by
a.Lipid b Amino acid c.Carbohydrate d.Fibrin
151.Pacemaker activity of SA node is due to
a.Na+ K+ pump b.Leaky Na+ channels c.Fast Na+ channels d. Slow Na+ Ca channels
152.The GFR of a 26 year old man with glomerulonephritis decreases by 50% and remains at this level for one month.For which substance would you expect to find the greatest increase in plasma concentration
a.Creatinine b. K+ c.Glucose d.Phosphate
153.Match the following lung parameter to their method of estimation
1.Viral capacity a.Fowler’s method
2.Functional Residual Capacity b.Spirometry
3.Diffusion across respiratory membrane c.Helium dilution method
4.Anatomical dead space d.Diffusion capacity of lungs for carbon monoxide
a.1-d,2-c,3-b,4-1 b.1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d c.1-b,2-c,3-d,4-a d.1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b
154.A 43 year old man eats a meal consisting of 40% protein 10% fat and 50% carbohydrate.30 minutes later the man feels the urge to defecate.Which reflex results in the urge to defecate when the duodenum is stretched?
a.Duodenocolic b.Enterogastric c. Intestinointestinal d. Rectosphincteric
155.A woman whose blood type is A,Rh positive and a man whose blood type is B,Rh positive come to the clinic with a 3 year old girl whose blood type is O,Rh positive.What can be said about the relationship of these adults to this child?
a.The woman can be the child’s natural mother but the man cannot be natural father.
b. The man can be the child’s natural mother but the woman cannot be natural mother.
c.Neither adult can be the natural parent of this child.
d.This couple can be the natural parent of this child.
156.Using the following data calculate the net urea absorption rate-Urine flow is 1ml/min.Urine inulin concentration=2 mg/ml,Urine urea concentration=50 mg/ml and plasma urea concentration is 2 mg/ml
a.0 mg/min b.25 mg/min c.50mg/min d.75 mg/min
157.A patient with longstanding indigestion complained of increasing lack of energy and tiredness while doing routine work.On questioning he tod that the bowel motions are unusually dark from time to time and he takes bland diet because of indigestion.Most likely cause of his complaint is
a.Pernicious anaemia b.Iron deficiency anaemia c..Decreased blood viscicity d.Bone marrow disease.
158.A patient has nerve damage to the nerve that innervates the external intercostals.Which of the following would be affected?
a.Normal inhalation b.Normal exhalation c.Forced inhalation d.Forced exhalation
159.The function of plasmin is
a.Lysis of fibrinogen and fibrin b.Convert thrombin to protein coactivation c.Facilitates antithrombin III d.Inactivates thrombin
160.A 35 year old woman faints on hearing the news of a close family member.Her BP was 90/50 mm of Hg.She was not known to have any previous attack of Angina.She regained consciousness after resting.She could have been having an attack of:
a.Orthostatic hypotension b.Vasovagal syncope c.Cushings reflex d.Cardiogenic shock
Physiology (Paper A and B Feb 2023/02)
Q.2. Discuss the sequence of events of transmission across neuromuscular junction.Write a note on myasthenia gravis and discuss the physiological and pharmacological basis of its treatment?(7+5)
Q3.Write short notes on(5×4)
a.What is positive feedback regulation?Explain its role in homeostasis with suitable example.
b.Enumerate the types of plasma membrane proteins.Explain their role.
c.Enumerate the properties of chemical synapse and explain any two of them
d.Explain the feedback regulation of growth hormone.Add a note on pituitary dwarfism.
Q4 Explain 3×5
a.Why polyphagia and polyurea are observed in a patient of diabetes mellitus
b.Why stepping on a pointed object results in movement of limb away from the object
c.Why lesion in occipital lobe generally spares the central vision
d.Why prolonged glucocorticoid treatment should not be abruptly stopped?
e.Why rigidity is observed in Parkinson’s disease?
Q5 Short notes on(applied aspect) 6×3
a.Explain the role of muscle spindle in maintenance of muscle tone
b.What is Grave’s disease.Enumerate its features and explain the physiological basis of cardiovascular effects observed?
c.Explain the effects of testosterone in males and effect of testosterone lack during fetal development
Q6 Short notes 5×3
a.Explain hormonal control of ovarian function in adult females
b.Explain the phenomenon of accommodation in vision and effect of old age on it
c.Mention the professional qualities of a physician?
Q2 Describe in detail the neural control of respiration?Enumerate the respiratory reflexes.Add a note on Ondine’s curse (8+2+2)
Q3Write short notes on5x4
b.Impulse conduction pathway of heart
c.Fat digestion
Q4.Explain why 3×5
a.There is tachycardia on standing up from supine position
b.Second baby in Rh negative mother may have erythroblastosis fetalis
c.Sigmoid shape of oxygen dissociation curve is beneficial
d.Cardiac muscle cannot be tetanized
e.Tip of renal medulla has high osmolality
Q5.Short notes on(applied aspect) 6×3
a.Compensated stage of hypovolemic shock
b.Pathophysiology of peptic ulcer
c.Prothrombin time
Q6.Short notes on
a.Acclimatization in high altitude(5×3)
b.Micturation reflex
c.Doctor patient relationship
Physiology (Paper A and B 2023/06 Supplementary)
Q.2. Enumerate the components of basal ganglia. What is Parkinson’s disease? Discuss the features and rationale of treatment of Parkinson’s disease.(1.5+1.5+7+2)
Q.3. Write short notes on(5×4)
a. Role of cAMP as second messenger in signal amplification
b. Molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction
C. Enumerate the hormones regulating the calcium homeostasis. Explain the role of any of them
d. Differentiate between non REM sleep and REM sleep
Q.4. Explain why/reason: -(3×5)
a. Why neuron is refractory to subswqeuent stimuli during action potential?
b. Why patients with amputated limb may complain of pain and proprioceptive sensations in the absent limb?
c. Why damage to ossicles in middle ear results in hearing loss?
d. Why stretching of tendon results in muscle contraction?
e. Why is a person entering a dark room from a day light takes time
to see the objects?
Q.5. Short notes on (applied aspect)(6×3)
a. Explain the consequences of adrenal hyperplasia involving outermost cortical layer.
b. Explain the feedback regulation of ovarian hormones and physiological basis of oral contraceptive pills in prevention of pregnancy.
C. Explain the feeding behavior abnormalities in lesion of certain areas of hypothalamus.
Q.6. Short notes(5×3)
a. Explain spermatogenesis and its regulation.
b. Explain the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of thyroid hormones. c. Explain the physician’s role and responsibility to society and the community.
Q.2.With the help of a neat diagram explain the volume and pressure changes in the cardiac cycle.Enumerate the heart sounds.Explain the mechanism of the third heart sound?(8+2+2)
Q.3. Write short notes on(5×4)
a. Explain mechanism of tubule-glomerular feedback in kidney
b. Discuss mechanism of gastric acid secretion
C. Explain Bohr’s effect in oxy-heamoglobin dissociation curve in detail
d. Discuss role of T helper cells in immunity
Q.4. Explain why/reason: -(3×5)
a. Inulin is used to calculate renal clearance?
b. ORS is the best treatment for dehydration
c. Vitamin K is administered to newborns
d. A patient in circulatory shock feels thirsty
e. Normal intrapleural pressure is negative?
Q.5. Short notes on (applied aspect)(6×3)
a. Define hypoxia.Explain hypoxic hypoxia in detail
b. Discuss dialysis in detail
c. Define and classify anaemias.Discuss laboratory findings if Oron deficiency anaemia in detail
Q.6. Short notes(5×3)
a. Discuss rights and responsibilities of a patient.
b. Discuss nitrogen narcosis
c. Explain peristalsis in detail
Physiology 2023/11(Mains A and B)
Q.2. Describe the molecular basis of contraction in skeletal muscle. Briefly describe how it is different from that of a smooth muscle.(7+5)
Q.3.Write short notes on:-5×4
a. Enumerate and describe methods to measure various body fluid compartments
b. Endocrinal functions of placenta
c. Positive feedback mechanism
d. Physiological actions of glucagon
Q.4 Explain why/reason: -3×5
a. There is acromegaly in gigantism
b. A patient of hypothyroidism is intolerant to cold
c. Babinski sign is positive in upper motor neuron lesions
d. Deafness on exposure of sudden, brief extremely loud sound
e. Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) is called “paradoxical sleep”
Q.5. Short notes on(applied aspect):-6×3
a. Decorticate rigidity and its physiological basis
b. Indicators of ovulation
c. Enumerate various methods of male contraception and their physiological basis.
Q.6. Short notes:-5×3
a. Professionalism in the field of medicine
b. Classify memory and give its physiological basis
c. Physiological importance of inverse stretch reflex
2. Describe the various mechanical events during cardiac cycle. Illustrate with diagram the aortic and ventricular pressure and volume changes during the cardiac cycle.(6+6)
3. Write short notes on:-5×4
a. Factors that shift the oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve to the right
b. Stimuli that increase the gastric acid secretion
c. Factors affecting the caliber of arterioles
d. Counter current mechanism in renal tubules
4.Explain why:-3×5
a.The haematocrit of venous blood is more than arterial blood
b. There is a bleeding tendency in obstructive jaundice
c. Sodium and glucose are given together in oral rehydration solution
d. There is sweating when body is exposed to hot temperature
e. Fourth heart sound can sometimes be heard
5. Short notes on(applied aspect):-6×3
a. Anemic hypoxia
b. Effects of deafferentaion and denervation of urinary bladder
c. Hemoglobinopathies
6. Short notes on:-5×3
a. Enumerate and describe professional qualities and role of a Physician
b. Platelet plug formation
c. Cheyne-Stokes breathing
Physiology (Paper A and B/2024/02)
Q.2. Describe the ionic basis of action potential in a neuron. Discuss in brief the mechanism of conduction of action potential in a non-myelinated and myelinated neuron.(7+5)
Q.3. Write short notes on(5×4)
a. Stretch reflex
b. Regulation of secretion of parathyroid hormone
c. Secondary active transport with two examples
d. Physiological actions of mineralocorticoids
Q.4. Explain why/reason: -(3×5)
a. A thyroid dwarf is mentally retarded
b. The urine has low specific gravity in diabetes insipidus
C. There is phenomenon of occlusion in synaptic transmission
d. Body shivers when exposed to cold temperature
e. Conception does not occur during first three months of lactation
Q.5. Short notes on(applied aspect) 6×3
a. Electroencephalographic findings during various stages of sleep
b. Enumerate various types of aphasias and their physiological basis
c. Enumerate various errors of refraction, their physiological basis and
their correction with different types of lenses.
Q.6. Short notes:- 5×3
a. Emotional challenges faced by the family members of a terminally ill patient
b. Regulation of testicular secretions
c. Physiological actions of catecholamine
Q2 Discuss the blood clotting and anticlotting mechanisms and their clinical importance?(7+5)
Q3.Write short notes on 5×4
c.Decompression sickness
d.Frank-Starling law
Q4.Explain why: 3×5
a.Peripheral chemoreceptors are not stimulated in anaemic hypoxia.
b.Edema is seen in patients having hypoproteinemia.
c.In ECG,all negative(downward) deflection are recorded in a VR
d.Postprandial alkaline tide occurs
e.When a graph is recorded for relation between the plasma glucose level(PG) and amount of glucose reabsorbed(TmG) in renal tubules,a splay is observed.
Q5.Short notes on(applied aspect)6×3
a.Lower esophageal sphincter and achalasia cardia
b.Rh incompatibility
c.Compensatory mechanisms in haemorrhagic shock
Q6.Short notes on 5×3
a.Chemical control of respiration
b.Tubulo-glomerular feedback
c.An orphan adolescent is diagnosed with end stage cancer.In your opinion what is expected role of doctor in this scenario?
Students should note that the framing of some questions is ambiguous. While every effort has been made to cross-check the answers, students are advised to cross-check the solutions where there is a doubt. If you find that any answer provided needs revision, kindly mail at