Solved University MCQ's


Anatomy – Solved University MCQ’s ANATOMY(A and B 2023/02 Mains) 1.A 66 years old nulliparous woman presented in the surgical OPD with complains of bloody discharge from her right nipple.On examination the nipple was found to be retracted and skin around it had an ‘orange peel appearance’.The most likely diagnosis for this condition is a.Intraductal […]

Anatomy – Solved University MCQ’s

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ANATOMY(A and B 2023/02 Mains)

1.A 66 years old nulliparous woman presented in the surgical OPD with complains of bloody discharge from her right nipple.On examination the nipple was found to be retracted and skin around it had an ‘orange peel appearance’.The most likely diagnosis for this condition is

a.Intraductal papilloma b.Krukenbergs tumour c.Gynecomastia d.Paget’s disease of the breast


2.A 60 years old diabetic lady complains of intermittent attacks of pain in the thumb,index and middle fingers of her right hand.On examination there is wasting of thenar eminence.She is unable to hold a paper with thumb and fingers.There is loss of opposition of thumb.Index and middle fingers lag behind while making a fist.What could be the cause of such a condition?

a.Compression of ulnar nerve in the forearm

b.Compression of median nerve in the arm

c.Compression of ulnar nerve at the carpal tunnel

d.Compression of median nerve at carpal tunnel


3.A 22 year old female kabaddi player suffered a wrist injury while she tried to touch the central line on her outstretched hand.The orthopedician notices mild swelling at the anatomical snuff box with difficulty in ulnar deviation of hand.Which carpal bone is likely to be injured?

a.Pisiform b.Trapezoid c.Trapezium d.Scaphoid


4.A woman comes to OPD with the complaint of difficulty to spread the fingers of her left hand.Which nerve is likely to be involved?

a.Ulnar b.Musculocutaneus c.Radial d.Median


5.A patient is stabbed in the neck.You suspect damage to accessory nerve in the posterior triangle.You would test nerve function by asking the patient to

a.Extend his neck against resistance b.Extend his neck without resistance c.Lift his shoulders against resistance d.lift his shoulders without resistance.


6.Examination of a patient indicates that he has has a medially directed strabismus(squint).This could be due to damage to the

a.Oculomotor nerve b.Trochlear nerve c.Ophthalmic trigeminal nerve d.Abducent nerve


7.The seventh cranial nerve supplies

a.Taste buds on the posterior third of tongue b.Muscles of soft palate c.Parotid salivary gland d.Muscles of lower lip


8.A 40 year old patient underwent ear surgery.Postoperatively he started complaining of hyperacusis.This condition arose because of involvement of which muscle?

a.Tensor tympani b.Tensor veli palatine c.Stapedius d.Myelohyoid


9.One of the following is a paired dural venous sinus

a.Superior saggital sinus b.Sigmoid sinus c.Inferior saggital sinus d.Confluence of sinus


10.Taste sensation from tongue are carried by following nerves

a.7,8,9 b.5.6.11 c.7,9,10 d.10,11 and 12


11.A 65 year old man is admitted to the emergency department after an episode of a transient ischaemic attack.Radiographic examination reveals an aneurysm in the region between the posterior cerebral artery and superior cerebellar artery.Which of the following nerve will most likely be compressed from the aneurysm?

a.Trochlear b.Abducens c.Oculomotor d.Vagus


12.A 41 year old patient presents with a complaint of chronic nasal bleed.To control the severity of the nasal bleeding his physician decides to ligate the sphenopalatine artery.From which of the following arteries does sphenopalatine artery arise?

a.External carotid artery b.Facial artery c.Maxillary artery d.Ophthalmic artery


13.A 20 year old man is admitted to the emergency with a stab wound in the superior region of neck.Physical examination reveals that the patient has lost sensation from the skin over the angle of the jaw.Whic of the following nerves is most likely injured?

a.Transverse cervical b.Great auricular c.Greater occipital d.Lesser occipital


14.A 29 year old male visited ENT OPD with chief complaint of facial asymmetry,inability to close his left eye,and inability to chew food properly from the left side.He had a history of fever 10 days back.On examination the left side of face is motionless,wrinkles are absent.There is continuous dribbling of saliva from the left angle of the mouth.On the basis of your knowledge of anatomy what can be the diagnosis?

a.Injury to facial nerve at stylomastoid foramen b.Injury at facial colliculus c.Supranuclear lesion of facial nerve d.Injury to pons


15.A patient has been severely injured in the back of the head during a mugging attempt and imaging studies reveal possible fracture of skull along with the C! vertebra.The patient is also bleeding from the vertebral artery in this location and the attending surgeon will attempt to stop the bleeding by access through the suboccipital triangle.Which of the following muscle extends from the transverse process of C1 vertebra to the occipital bone and forms the lateral boundary of the suboccipital triangle?

a.Obliquus capitis inferior b.Obliquus capitis superior c.Rectus capitis posterior major d.Rectus capitis posterior minor


16.A 50 year old man came to the casualty complaining that while eating fish something got struck in his throat and it was causing pain and discomfort.On physical examination of the throat it was found that the fish bone was impacted in the piriform fossa.While removing the fishbone which nerve is likely to be injured?

a.External laryngeal nerve b.Internal laryngeal nerve c.Ansa cervicalis d.Glossopharyngeal nerve


17.A 5 days old infant is diagnosed with non communicating hydrocephalus.Which of the following is most likely to lead to such a condition?

a.Obstruction in circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid

b.Excess production of cerebrospinal fluid

c.Increased size of the hand

d.Disturbances in the resorption of cerebrospinal fluid.


18.A new born baby with a tuft of hair in lower back region was examined by pediatrician.What is the possible condition suspected?

a.Rachischisis b.Spina bifida occulta c.sacrococcygeal teratoma d.Caudal dysgenesis


19.AThe physician wanted to do the biochemical analysis if the CSF.Which one of the following vertebral levels would be the choice for introducing the needle for withdrawl of CSF?

a.T12 and L1 b.L1 and L2 c.L2 and L3 d.L3 and L4


20.A 6 year old girl was having high grade fever for five days.One evening she complained of weakness in her left leg. On examination there was flaccid paralysis of lower limb.What could be a provisional diagnosis?

a.Poliomyelitis b.Cerebral palsy c.Cerebellar palsy d.Lateral medullary syndrome


21.A new born is readmitted to the hospital with hypoxia and on testing is found to have pulmonary stenosis,dextraposition of aorta,interventricular septal defect and hypertrophy of left ventricle.Which of the following is best described by these symptoms?

a.Atrial septal defect b.Patent ductus arteriosus c.Tetralogy of fallot d.Aortic stenosis


22,.A 9 year old boy was admitted to the emergency department complaining of nausea,vomiting,fever and loss of appetite.On examination he was found to tenderness and pain in the right lower quadrant.Based on signs and symptoms the diagnosis of acute appendicitis was made.During an appendicectomy performed at Mc Burneys point,which of the following structures is most likely to be injured?

a.Deep circumflex femoral artery b.Inferior epigastric artery c.Iliohypogastric artery d.Genitofemoral nerve


23.A 39 year old man is unable to expel the last drops of urine at the end of micturation because of paralysis of the external urethral sphincter and bulbospongiosus muscles.This condition may occur as a result of injury to which of the following nervous structure?

a.Pelvic plexus b.Prostatic plexus c.Pudendal nerve d.Pelvic splanchnic nerve


24.A construction worker is hit on the leg with a concrete block and is subsequently unable to plantar flex and invert his foot.Which of the following muscles is most likely damaged?

a.Extensor digitorum longus b.Tibialis anterior c.Tibialis posterior d.Peroneus longus


25.A 72 year old woman complains of cramp like pain in her thigh and leg.She was diagnosed as having a severe intermittent claudication.Surgery was performed in the adductor canal to relieve her symptoms.Which of the following structures will most likely be unaffected?

a.Femoral artery b.Femoral vein c.Great saphenous vein d.Saphenous nerve


26.Following detailed clinical examination and investigations an infant is found to have a developmental malformation of the fascia transversalis.Which of the following structures on the anterior abdominal wall is likely to be defective?

a.Inguinal ligament b.Superficial inguinal ring c.Lacunar ligament d.Deep inguinal ring


27.A child accidently aspirates a small coin while sitting which enters the tracheobronchial tree.If the diameter of the coin is smaller than the secondary bronchus,then the most likely place the coin is going to get struck is

a.Posterior basal segment of right lower lobe b.Superior segment of left lower lobe c.Inferior(lingular) segment of left upper lobe

d.Superior segment of right lower lobe


28.A 17 year old boy was involved in a gang fight.During the argument he was injured with knife.On examination in the emergency he was found to have stab wound in the left flank involving left kidney.A urine specimen revealed frank blood.Which other organ is least likely to be damaged in this patient?

a.Stomach b.Spleen c.Left colic flexure d.Duodenum


29.A 19 year old football player was hit on the left side of his knee just as he put that foot on the ground.Unable to walk without assistance,he is taken to the hospital.MRI examination reveals a torn medial collateral ligament.Which structure would most likely also be injured due to its attachment to this ligament?

a.Medial meniscus b.Anterior cruciate ligament c.Lateral meniscus d.Posterior cruciate ligament


(The medial collateral ligament has superficial and deep components.The deep medial collateral ligament fibres originate from medial joint capsule and are attached to medial meniscus).

30.A 49 year old man underwent a coronary bypass graft procedure using the great saphenous vein.Postoperatively the patient complains of pain and general lack of normal sensation on the medial side of the leg and foot on the limb from which the graft was harvested.which nerve was most likely injured during surgery?

a.Common peroneal nerve b.Superficial peroneal nerve c.Sural nerve d.Saphenous nerve


31.A 32 year old male was brought to the hospital with a deep cut on the dorsum of his ankle.As you inspect the wound and test for functional and sensory defecits ,you find that no tendons have been cut but the accompanying nerve to dorsalis pedis artery has been cut.You would expect to find

a.Club foot b.Foot drop c.Inability to extend the toe d.Sensory loss between the first and second toes


32.A 30 year old female delivered a baby of 32 weeks gestational age.The loops of intestine were outside the abdominal cavity of the baby.On examination it was seen that contents were covered only by amnion.What is the diagnosis?

a.Exomphalos b.Physiological hernia c.Acquired umbilical hernia d.Umblical diverticula


33.Ultrasound of female patient reveals two gestational sacs(twin pregnancy).Choose the correct statement

a.Monozygotic twins have common chorionic and amniotic cavity

b.Monozygotic twins do not have same blood group

c.Dizygotic twins are genetically identical

d.Monozygotic twins do not have same sex


34.A 35 year old pregnant female visits antenatal clinic.The doctor recommends blood test for ruling out congenital diseases in unborn baby.If alpha fetoprotein level is low in maternal blood ,the unborn baby has

a.Neural tube defect b.Downs syndrome c.Anencephaly d.Spina bifida


35.A 33 year old male patient suffering from tubercular pleural effusion came to hospital for pleural tap.The physician would remove the fluid by putting needle into

a.Upper part of intercostals space b.Lower part of intercostals space c.Middle part of intercostals space d.In between costal cartilages


36.A 57 year old male patient comes with complaint of cardiac problem.The physician will keep the chest piece of strethoscope at

a 15 cm from midline in 6th intercostal space

b 5 cm from midline in 5th intercostal space

c 9 cm from midline in 5th intercostal space

d 10 cm from midline in 10th intercostal space


37.A medical student while observing a slide of gastrointestinal tract in histology lab notices the following features. Epithelium with goblet cells,intestinal glands, Plica circularis and glands in the submucosa.Which region of the gastrointestinal tract was the student observing?

a.Duodenum b.Jejunum c.Ileum d.Colon


38.A patient after fracture of upper end of right fibula complained of loss of sensation on lateral aspect of lower part of leg and dorsum of foot.Patient was unable to dorsiflex and evert the right foot.Name the nerve injured?

a.Femoral nerve b,Tibial nerve c.Common peroneal nerve d.obturator nerve


39.A patient complains of deep aching pain in the leg which becomes severe on dorsiflexion of foot and with exercise but subsides with rest.What can be the likely cause?

a.Varicose veins b.osteomyelitis c.Anterior compartment syndrome d.Deep vein thrombosis


40.A 50 year old man suffered heart attack.His doctor suggested him to undergo bypass surgery.Which vein is suitable for graft in this surgery?

a.Femoral vein b.Great saphenous vein c.Short saphenous vein d.Perforator vein


Anatomy – (A & B 2023/06 Supplementary)

41. A 3 year old child is admitted to the emergency department with a particularly severe attack of asthma. Which of the following is the most important factor in increasing the intrathoracic capacity in inspiration?
a. “Pump handle movement” of the ribs-thereby increasing anterior-posterior dimensions of the thorax
b. “Bucket handle movement” of the ribs- increasing the transverse diameter of the thorax
c. Straightening of the forward curvature of the thoracic spine, thereby increasing the vertical dimensions of the thoracic cavity
d. Descent of the diaphragm with protrusion of the abdominal wall thereby increasing vertical dimensions of the thoracic cavity


42. A 41 year old patient presents with a compliant of chronic nasal bleed. To control the severity of the nasal bleeding his physician decides to ligate the sphenoplatine artery. From which of the following arteries does the sphenopalatine artery arise?
a. External carotid artery
b. Facial artery
c. Maxillary artery
d. Ophthalmic artery


43. A young lady was brought to the burns casualty with 60% burns. You as a duty doctor observe that both her upper limbs and lower limbs are involved in the burn injuries. What will you do to give a continuous venous infusion of fluids to save the patient?
a. Try putting a cannula in the median cubital vein
b. Try putting a cannula in cephalic vein
c. Try putting a cannula in the external jugular vein
d. Try a venous cut open of the great saphenous vein


44.A 29 year old visited ENT OPD with the chief compliant of facial asymmetry, not able to close his left eye and inability to chew food properly from his left side. He had a history of fever 10 days back. On examination the side of the face is motionless, wrinkles absent, tears flowing out and saliva dribbling from the left angle of the mouth. On the basis of your knowledge of anatomy, what can be the diagnosis?
a. Injury to the facial nerve at stylomastoid foramen
b. Injury at facial colliculus
c. Supra-nuclear lesion of the facial nerve
d. Injury to Pons


45. A patient has been severely injured in the back of the head during a mugging attempt and imaging studies reveal possible fracture of the skull along with the C l (atlas) vertebra. The patient is also bleeding from the vertebral artery in this location and the attending surgeon will attempt to stop the bleeding by access through the suboccipital triangle. Which of the following muscles attaches from the transverse process of C1 to the occipital bone and forms the lateral border of the suboccipital triangle?
a. Obliquus capitis inferior
b. Obliquus capitis superior
c. Rectus capitis posterior major
d. Rectus capitis posterior minor


46. A 50 year old man came to the casualty complaining that while eating fish something got stuck in his throat and that it was causing pain and discomfort. On physical examination of the throat, it was found that the fish bone was impacted in the piriform fossa. While removing the fishbone which nerve is likely to be injured?
a. External laryngeal nerve
b. Internal laryngeal nerve
c. Ansa cervicalis
d. Glossopharyngeal nerve


47. After the cadaveric dissection the proper mode of disposal is in ______ bin.
a. blue
b. green
c. Red
d. Yellow


48. A new born baby with a tuft of hair in lower back region was examined by paediatrician, what is the possible condition suspected?
a. Rachischisis
b. Spina bifida occulta
c. Sacrococcygeal teratoma
d. Caudal dysgenesis


49. A 40 year old patient came with headache, fever and stiffness in neck and was diagnosed as a case of meningitis. The physician wanted to evaluate the biochemical analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Which one of the following would be the choice of tapping the needle for withdrawal of CSF?
a. T-12 and L-1
b. L-1 and L-2
c. L-2 and L-3
d. L-3 and L-4


50. A 6 year old girl was having high grade fever for 5 days. One evening she complained of weakness in her left leg. On examination there was flaccid paralysis of lower limb. What could be a provisional diagnosis?
a. Poliomyelitis
b. Cerebral palsy
c. Cerebellar palsy
d. Lateral medullary syndrome


51. A 66 year old nulliparous woman presented in the surgical OPD with complaints of bloody discharge from her right nipple. On examination, the nipple was found to be retracted and skin around it had an ‘orange peel appearance’. The most likely diagnosis for this condition is:
a. Intraductal papilloma
b. Krukenburg’s tumor
c. Gynecomastia
d. Paget’s disease of the breast


52. 60 year old diabetic lady complaints of intermittent attacks of pain in the thumb, index and 2nd finger of right hand. On examination, there is wasting of thenar eminence, she is unable to hold a paper with thumb and fingers. There was loss of opposition of thumb. Index and middle finger lag behind while making a fist. What could be the cause of such a condition?
a. Compression of ulnar nerve in the forearm
b. Compression of median nerve in the arm
c. Compression of ulnar nerve at the carpal tunnel
d. Compression of median nerve at carpal tunnel


53. A 22 year old female kabaddi player suffered a wrist injury while she tried to touch the central line on her outstretched hand. The Orthopedician notices mild swelling at the anatomical snuff box with difficulty in ulnar deviation of hand. Which carpal bone is likely to be injured?
a. Pisiform
b. Trapezoid
c. Trapezium
d. scaphoid


54. A woman comes to OPD with the complaint of difficulty to spread the fingers of her left hand. The nerve is likely to be involved:
a. Ulnar
b. Musculocutaneous
c. Radial
d. Median


55. A patient is stabbed in the neck. You suspect damage to the accessory nerve in the posterior triangle. You would test nerve function by asking the patient to
a. Extend his neck against resistance
b. Extend his neck without resistance
c. Lift his shoulders against resistance
d. Lift his shoulders without resistance


56. Examination of a patient indicates that he has a medially directed strabismus (squint). This could be due to damage to the:
a. Oculomotor nerve
b. Trochlear nerve
c. Ophthalmic nerve
d. Abducens nerve


57. The seventh cranial nerve supplies:
a. Taste buds on the posterior third of the tongue b.
b. Muscles of the soft palate
c. The parotid salivary gland
d. Muscles of the lower lip


58. A 13 year old child sustain an insect bite on his upper eyelid and an infection develops. You should be very concerned about spread of the infection to the dural venous sinuses. With which of the following dural venous sinuses does the superior ophthalmic vein communicate directly?
a. Superior sagittal sinus
b. Sigmoid sinus
c. Straight sinus
d. Cavernous sinus


59. One of the following is a paired dural venous sinus.
a. Superior sagittal sinus
b. Sigmoid sinus
c. Inferior sagittal sinus
d. Confluence of sinuses


60. Taste sensations from the tongue is carried by the following nerves:
b. V, VI, & XI
c. VII, IX & X
d. XI, X & XII


61. Fascia of Denonvilliers –
a. Membranous layer of fascia of the thigh
b. Perirenal fascia
c. Fascia between the rectal ampulla and the prostate and the seminal vesicles
d. Posterior layer of perirenal fascia


62. A forty year old lady comes to OPD with complaint of difficulty to initiate dorsiflexion and inversion of leg. The muscle most likely affected is:
a. Tibialis posterior
b. Tibialis anterior
c. Peroneus tertius
d. Peroneus longus

63. Sickle cell anemia is the clinical manifestation of homozygous genes for an abnormal hemoglobin molecule. The event responsible for the mutation in the Beta chain is-
a. Insertion
b. deletion
c. Non-disjunction
d. Point mutation


64. An eight year child is brought to casualty with history of small beads inserted into the nose accidentally. It will most likely to enter into-
a. Apical segment of right Lower lobe
b. Basal segment of left Lung
c. Medial segment of right Middle lobe
d. Posterior segment of right Lower lobe

Answer: d
Introduction of foreign material into the lungs- Specific lobe of lung involved depends on the position of the patients

Supine- superior segment of right lower lobe

Standing/Sitting- Posterobasal segment of right lower lobe

Lying on right side- Right middle lobe or posterior segment of right upper lobe

65. Commonest among diseases with Mendelian inheritance is –
a. Autosomal dominant
b. Autosomal recessive
C. X-linked recessive
d. X-linked dominant


66. During surgery in the region of adductor canal, which of the following structures is not found?
a. Femoral artery
b. Femoral Vein
c. Femoral nerve
d. saphenous nerve


67. The appendix of the testis develops from –
a. Mesonephric duct
b. Para-Mesonephric duct
c. Both
d. none


68. Umbilical cord has –
a. 2 artery and 1 vein
b. 1 artery and 2 veins
C. 2 artery and 2 veins
d. only one artery


69. In embryo the inner cell mass forms the –
a. Embryonic disc
b. Extra embryonic mesoderm
C. Chorion
d. Allantois


70. In a female child ovary are present in which stage-
a. Anaphase 2nd meoitic
b. Prophase 1 st meiotic
c. Oogony
d. Maturation

At birth, the ovary contains around 400 000 primordial follicles which contain primary oocytes. These primary oocytes do not undergo further mitotic division, and they remain arrested in the prophase stage of meiotic division I, until sexual maturity

71. The ureter is lined by……….. ephithelium-
a. Stratified squamous
b. Cuboidal
C. Cilliated columnar
d. Transitional


72. The upper half of the oesophagus in lined by –
a. Stratified cuboidal epithelium
b. Stratified columnar epithelium
c. Stratified squamous non keratinsed epithelium
d. Stratified squamous keratinised epithelium


73. Clara cells are present in –
a. Alveoli
b. Bronchus
c. Bronchioles
d. Trachea


74. A common structure in Hesselbach’s triangle and femoral triangle is –
a. Conjoint tendon
b. Inguinal ligament
C. Inferior epigastric artery
d. Rectus femoris


75. Perineal body is formed by all except –
a. Levator ani muscle
b. External anal sphincter muscle
c. Bulbocavernous muscle
d. Obturator internus muscle


76. All are parts of vulva except –
a. Labia minora
b. Labia majora
c. Perineal body
d. Clitoris


77. The following about prostate is true except –
a. Surrounds the neck of bladder
b. Has an anterior lobe which hypertrophies in old age
c. Has median lobe between urethra and ejaculatory ducts
d. Has a posterior lobe which is prone to carcinomatous change


78. In the region of knee all are true except-
a. The popliteal fossa is bounded above by tendons of the hamstring muscles and below by the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle
b. The deepest structure in the popliteal fossa is the popliteal artery
c. The popliteal and femoral vessels are continuous through the adductor hiatus
d. The common peroneal nerve doesn’t pass through the popliteal fossa


79. Neurovascular plane in anterior abdominal wall is –
a. Between external oblique and internal oblique
b. Between internal oblique and transversus abdominis
c. below transverses abdominis
d. Above external oblique


80. Order of the uterine tube from lateral to medial
a. Ampulla- Infundibulum -Isthmus-Interstitial
b. Infundibulum-Ampulla-Isthmus-Interstitial
c. Isthmus-Infundibulum-Ampulla-Interstitial
d. Ampulla-Isthmus-Infundibulum-Interstitial


81. A porter visited a doctor for difficulty in raising his left arm vertically upward. When doctor asked him to press hands against the wall, he found that the medial border and inferior angle of his left scapula had become prominent. This condition is due to-
a. Paralysis of serratus anterior muscle
b. Paralysis of pectoralis major muscle
c. Paralysis of teres major muscle
d. Paralysis of pectoralis minor muscle

82. An old man visited an orthopaedic surgeon for pain in his right shoulder, which aggravated while putting his jacket. On examination surgeon found tenderness in shoulder region along with pain during mid abduction. This may be due to-
a. Klumpke’s paralysis
b. Carpel tunnel syndrome
c. Painful arc syndrome
d. Shoulder dislocation
Painful arc refers to shoulder impingement It is characterised by shoulder pain when the arm is raised above the shoulder level (for example, when trying to reach for something high on a shelf.The test for painful arc syndrome is considered positive if the patient experiences pain between 60 and 120 degrees of abduction which reduces once past 120 degrees of abduction.

83. Avascular necrosis is commonly seen in fracture of-
a. Lunate bone
b. Capitate bone
c. Pisiform bone
d. Scaphoid bone

84. A 20 year old thin girl was given intramuscular injection by a trainee nurse in deltoid region After 2 days she visited doctor with complain of loss of sensation in deltoid region along with inability to abduct her arm up to 90″. This is probably due to injured-
a. Ulnar nerve
b. Axillary nerve
c. Median nerve
d. Radial nerve

85. All are boundaries of triangle of auscultation except:
a. Trapezius
b. Rhomboideus major
c. Latissimus dorsi
d.Medial border of scapula

86. A 30 year old man sustained a severe blow on his left flexed elbow during a football match On examination orthopaedic surgeon noticed that equilateral triangle formed by three bony points in the back of elbow region was disturbed. Radiograph showed supracondylar fracture, Which blood vessel is likely to be injured-
a. Axillary artery
b. Radial artery
c. Brachial artery
d. Ulnar artery

87. A 14-year old female woke up with inability to voluntarily move the left side of her face, including the inability to close her left eye and slight dropping at the corner of her mouth. Patient also complained of loss of taste sensation in anterior two-thirds of tongue. What is the diagnosis?
a. Bell’s palsy
b. Trigeminal neuralgia
c. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
d. Abducent nerve palsy


88. A 25 year old female visited his physician with complaint of a very painful swelling on the face in reteromandibular region on the left side. On examination the doctor found that there is weakness in facial muscles and left ear lobule was lifted by the swelling. Which anatomical structure is affected?
a. Tempromandibular joint
b. Eustachian tube
c. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
d. Parotid gland

89. During a fight, a 42 year old male mechanic received a shallow stab wound from a broken bottle at a point just behind the middle of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the posterior triangle. Physical examination revealed that the left shoulder was drooping lower than the right shoulder but turning of head to the right and left appears to be normal. Which nerve is most likely affected in this case?
a. Left spinal accessory nerve
b. Left glosspharyngeal nerve
c. Left vagus nerve
d. Left facial nerve

90. A 55 years old man is admitted to the hospital for severe headache. CT scan examination revealed a tumour in infratemporal fossa. Physical examination revealed loss of general sensation from anterior two third of tongue but intact taste sensation. Which nerve is affected in this?
a. Chorda tympani nerve
b. Lingual nerve
c. Glossopharyngeal nerve
d. Vagus nerve

91. A 48 year old male presented to OPD with complaints of difficulty and swallowing as well as numbness on the right side of his tongue. Physical examination revealed atrophy and fasciculations of the right side of tongue. There was deviation of the tongue towards the right side when protruded. Which nerve is affected in this case?
a. Glossopharyngeal nerve
b. Vagus nerve
c. Spinal accessory nerve
d. Hypoglossal nerve

92. A 47 year old man came in the emergency and complained that while eating fish something got stuck in his throat. It was causing pain and discomfort. The physician on examination concluded that fish bone was stuck in the piriform fossa. Which nerve is likely to be injured during removal of fish bone?
a. External laryngeal nerve
b. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
c. Internal laryngeal nerve
d. Glossopharyngeal nerve

93. Those glands whose part of apical cytoplasm is lost along with the secretory product are known as:-
a. Merocrine glands
b. Apocrine glands
c. Holocrine glands
d. Eccrine glands

94. The coracoid process of scapula is an example of:
a. Traction epiphysis
b. Pressure epiphysis
c. Atavistic epiphysis
d. Aberrant epiphysis


95. A 54 year old male having history of headache and difficulty in vision came to Eye OPD underwent perimetry (visual field testing). Perimetry revealed homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing. The site of lesion in visual pathway is:-
a. Optic nerve
b. Optic chiasma
c. Optic tract
d. Visual cortex

Lesions in the calcarine cortex produce an homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing if the lesion is due to a vascular cause. This is due to the fact that nerve fibres supplying the macula have a dual blood supply from the middle cerebral artery and the posterior cerebral artery.

96. Part of the brain which undergoes degenerative changes in Parkinsonism
a. Substanita nigra
b. Crus cerebri
c. Red nucleus
d. Subthalamus


97. A 68 years old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of sudden development of paralysis of left side of body. His blood pressure was 210/120. MRI of the brain revealed intracerebral haemorrhage involving posterior limb of the internal capsule on right side. The most commonly involved artery is:-
a. Recurrent artery of Huebner
b. Charcot’s artery
c. Basilar artery
d. Posterior cerebral artery

98. Great cerebral vein (of Galen) is formed by union of:
a. Superficial middle cerebral vein
b. Anterior cerebral veins
c. Internal cerebral veins
d. Middle cerebral veins

99. A 4 months old infant was brought to the doctor for abnormal large size of his head. Physical examination revealed differently looking eyes (setting sun appearance) and large and tense anterior fontanelle. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. Aneurysm of internal carotid artery
b. Pontine haemorrhage
c. Severe dehyration
d. Hydrocephalus


100. Transverse section of the medulla at the level of the olives shows all of the following nuclei except:
a. Nucleus cuneatus
b. Hypoglossal nucleus
c. Nucleus of tractus solitarius.
d. Nucleus ambiguous


101. In case of partial tear of psoas major muscle, if scar forms on anterior part of muscle which of the following nerve is most likely to be involved?
a. Iliohypogastric
b. Ilioinguinal
c. Femoral
d. Genito femoral


Genitofemoral nerve pierces the psoas major muscle before emerging on its anterior surface. The nerve then traverses the retroperitoneum, descending over the anterior surface of the psoas muscle.

102. A 30 year old man was seen in the emergency department with a stab wound in the right inguinal region. Which nerve supplies the skin of the inguinal region
a. The 11th thoracic nerve
b. The 12th thoracic nerve
c. The first lumbar nerve
d. The femoral nerve

103. On examination of a 7 year old girl, a pediatrician heard a continuous machinery like murmur in the second left intercostals space. Murmur occupied both systole and diastole. The child was not cyanotic. Heart was of normal size. No clubbing of fingers. A diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus was made. On basis of it which statement is correct.
a. The patent ductus represents the distal portion of the sixth left aortic arch artery
b. The ductus arteriosus closes to become the ligamentum venosum
c. The ductus in fetal life bypass the blood to aorta from pulmonary vein
d. At birth ductus arteriosus normally constricts in response to rise in arterial carbon dioxide


104. A patient after a fall from a bike has anterior displacement of femur on flexion of knee. which ligament is severed?
a. Anterior cruciate ligament
b. Posterior cruciate ligament
c. Ligamentum patellae
d. Oblique popliteal ligament


The anterior cruciate ligament functions primarily to restrict anterior movements of the tibia relative to the femur, while the posterior cruciate ligament functions to restrict posterior movements of the tibia relative to the femur.

105. A patient is unable to evert the foot after stumbling in the driveway which nerves are injured?
a. Tibial & deep peroneal nerves
b. Superficial peroneal & tibial nerves
c. Superficial peroneal & deep peroneal nerves.
d. Medial & lateral plantar nerves


106. A 63 year old woman suddenly woke up in bed with excruciating pain in the left calf. After 20 minutes, pain diminishes leaving the calf very tender on touch. After examination a torn muscle fiber in the left calf was made. Which is the most likely muscle to have been torn?
a. Soleus
b. Flexor digitorum longus
c. Popliteus
d. Tibialis posterior


107. A 58 year old female is diagnosed with carcinoma of uterine tube. Which among the following lymph nodes were not involved in drainage of lymph?
a. Lateral aortic
b. Pre aortic
c.Superficial inguinal
d. Deep inguinal

The question is not framed properly. Lateral part of fallopian tube and ovary lymph drains into paraaortic lymph node.Lymph from medial part of fallopian tube drains into external iliac lymph nodes.

108. Constrictions of oesophagus are present at all of the following sites except:
a. At cricopharyngeal junction
b. Where it is crossed by arch of aorta
c. Where it is surrounded by right crus of diaphragm
d. Where it is crossed by left principal bronchus

109. A 24 years old man visited a doctor for dragging pain in the scrotum particularly after prolonged standing. Physical examination of scrotum gave the feel of bag of worms (on palpation) on left side. Which was confirmed later radiographically. What is the probable diagnosis?
a. Ectopic testis
b. Cryptorchidism
c. Varicocele
d. Carcinoma of testis
Answer: c

110. A 44 year old man is admitted with abdominal discomfort and dyspepsia after meals. He also complained of vomiting large quantity of undigested food and weight loss. Endoscopy revealed a tumor in the pyloric antrum of the stomach. CT scan was done to evaluate spread of the carcinoma. Which is the commonest area where gastric carcinoma occurs?
a. Cardiac orifice with fundus of stomach
b. Pyloric antrum along the lesser curvature
c. Pyloric antrum along the greater curvature
d. Pyloric canal

Answer: b
This question is not correctly framed.

111. A 56 year old man, who is chronic alcoholic, was admitted to the hospital with severe bouts of hematemesis. Clinical examination revealed caput medusa and endoscopic examination revealed ruptured oesophageal varices. It is condition of portal hypertension due to cirrhosis of liver. What is the normal portal pressure?
a. 0 to 5 mmHg
b. 5 to 15 mmHg
c. 15 to 20 mmHg
d. 20 t 30 mmHg

Answer: b

112. A 63 year old man was admitted in the emergency ward after his motor bike collided with a car. MRI scan revealed complete transection of the spinal cord at the level of T 11 thoracic vertebra. Few days later the patient presents incontinence of urine with urine passing every few hour. What is this condition called?
a. Atonic bladder
b. Autonomous bladder
c. Automatic reflex bladder
d. Incontinence of bladder

Answer: c

(Reflex bladder-lesion in spinal cord above S2, Autonomous bladder-Lesion at S2,S3,and S4 level,                    Uninhibited bladder-lesion of corticoregulatory tract,Sensory atonic bladder-Lesion of sensory afferents).

113. A middle age woman visited the doctor with complaint of pain in her knees. Physical examination revealed swelling over both the patellae, which were tender. Radiological examination suggests a fluid filled sac over the patellae. The condition is called?
a. Clergyman’s knee
b. Foot baller’s knee
c. Housemaid’s knee
d. Miner’s knee

Answer: c

114. A young male patient came in emergency with road traffic accident and complaints of severe dyspnoea. X-rays revealed right lung pneumothorax. Which is the most preferred site for spontaneous pneumothorax aspiration?
a. Second intercostal space at mid axillary line
b. Second intercostal space at mid clavicular line
c. Third intercostal space at mid axillary line
d. Third intercostal space at mid clavicular line

Answer: b

115. Gaseous exchange takes place between capillaries around alveoli and air present inside the alveoli. Which of the following is not a part of this blood barrier?

a. Endothelium of capillaries
b. type I pneumocytes
c. Fused basement membrane of capillaries and alveoli
d. Dust cells

Answer: d

116. Capacitation of sperm take place in the female reproductive tract and is ready for fertilization ideally in-
a. 30 minutes
b. 1 Hour
c. 6 to 7 hours
d. 24 hours

Answer: d

In order to fertilize the egg, the sperm must undergo the process of capacitation in the female reproductive tract where a number of enzymes and signaling molecules are involved. This process can take around 10 hours which means that the fertilization time is approximately 24 hours.

117. A 31 year old labourer, injures his left leg due to a drop of concrete brick on him. Subsequently he is unable to plantar flex and invert his left foot. Which muscle is most likely damaged?
a. Tibialis anterior
b. Tibialis posterior
c. Extensor digitorum longus
d. Peroneus longus

Answer: b

118. A 66 years old patient complains of chronic constipation. Recently, he felt severe pain and bleeding during passing stools. On proctoscopic examination the surgeon found rupture of one of the anal valves. What is the diagnosis?
a. Piles
b. Fissure
c. Fistula
d. Stenosis

Answer: b

119. A 27 year old man was attacked by a thief. He received slashed injury by sharp knife in his thigh. He dies within à few minutes. Which was the exact site where he received injury?
a. Adductor canal
b. Femoral canal
c. Femoral ring
b. Apex of femoral triangle


(A stab or bullet wound at the apex of triangle would penetrate in succession the 4 great vessels of the limb.From before backwards they are femoral artery,femoral vein,the profunda vein and the profunda artery).

120. A 5 month old baby boy is admitted to the paediatric orthopaedic clinic. During physical examination, it is noted that the baby has inversion and adduction of the forefoot relative to the hindfoot and plantar flexion. Which of the following terms is diagnostic for the signs observed on physical examination?

a. Talipes calcaneovarus
b. Talipes calcaneovalgus
c. Talipes equinovarus
d. Talipes equinovalgus

121.A mountain climber falling from the hill grasped a branch of a tree with his right hand to break the fall.He noticed that his right hand was clawed and there was pain and numbness along the medial side of the arm and forearm and medial one and a half fingers.This condition is due to:

a. Klumpke’s paralysis
b. Erb’s paralysis
c. Shoulder dislocation
d. Median nerve injury
122.A lady with history of fall complained of tingling and numbness in the index and middle finger of her left hand.On examination,the doctor found that the lady was unable to bring the tip of the thumb and little finger together.This may be due to
a. Fracture lower end of ulna
b. Fracture lower end of radius
c. Scaphoid dislocation
d. Lunate dislocation
123.Nerve commonly injured in inferior dislocation of shoulder joint is:
a. Radial nerve
b. Ulnar nerve
c. Axillary nerve
d. Median nerve
124.A weight lifter while lifting weight suddenly felt a snap and severe pain in his shoulder regionHe was taken to hospital where on examination doctor noticed a ball like bulge near the centre of the distal part of anterior aspect of arm.The patient was not able to supinate his arm.This is probably due to
a.Supraspinatus tear
b.Rupture of tendon of long head of biceps
c.Inferior dislocation of shoulder joint
d.Injury to supinator muscle
125.Musicians nerve is a term used for
a.Ulnar nerve
b.Median nerve
c.Radial nerve
d.Axillary nerve
126.A 60 year old man admitted in the hospital with a complaint of pulsatile soft swelling in the axilla.On examination it was found that the abduction movement of right arm was restricted.The structure which gives rise to this pulsatile swelling is
a. Abscess of axillary lymph node b.Dilated axillary vein c.Aneurysm of axillary artery d.Hypertrophy of muscle
127.A 35 year old man complained to his physician that he is a victim of sudden attack of syncope(fainting) from sudden rotation of his head specially when wearing a tight collar or tie.The anatomical structure involved in this case is
a.Thyroid gland b.Internal jugular vein c.Carotid sinus d.Submandibular gland

128.A 54 year old male presented to ENT department with complaints of hoarseness and difficulty of swallowing for the past two weeks.Physical examination revealed decreased vocal cord movement on the left side and weak cough.Laryngoscopy revealed left sided vocal cord paralysis and the affected vocal cord was paramedian in positionThis is due to
a.Injury to hypoglossal nerve b.Injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve c.Injury to superior laryngeal nerve d.Injury to glossopharyngeal nerve
(In paramedian position vocal cord is 1.5 mm away from midline.This position is seen during stong whisper in a healthy person.It may occur in recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy.Intermediate or cadaveric position is neutral position of vocal cord).
129.A 25 year old woman came to OPD with complaints of fever,headache and history of plucking of nasal hairs two days back.On examination clinician found oedema and soreness around dorsum of nose.Marked edema and discoloration of both eyelids and periorbital areas.Patient was diagnosed as a case of cavernous sinus thrombosis.This is due to travel of infection from nose to cavernous sinus by the following pathway
a.Facial vein—Pterygoid plexus of vein—Deep facial vein—Emissary vein—Cavernous sinus
b.Pterygoid plexus of vein –Facial vein—Deep facial vein—Emissary vein—Cavernous sinus
c.Facial vein—Emissary vein—Pterygoid plexus of vein—Deep facial vein—Cavernous sinus
d.Facial vein—Deep facial vein—Pterygoid plexus of vein—Emissary vein—Cavernous sinus
130.A 50 year old male patient visited OPD with complaints of pain,discomfort and unusual sweating on left side of face during eating for past 3 months.Two years back,patient had a history of road traffic accident and had a penetrating wound I the parotid gland,following which surgery was performed by preauricular approach.What is this clinical condition?
a.Frey’s Syndrome b.Weber’s syndrome c.Horner’s Syndrome d.Sweating’s syndrome?
131.A 65 year old woman is admitted to the hospital for severe headache.Physical examination revealed right eyeball was adducted in position.CT scan examination revealed aneurysm affecting the internal carotid artery in the cavernous sinus.Which nerve would be typically affected in this case?
a.Oculomotor b,Trochlear c.Facial d.Abducent
132.A 43 year old classical singer visited his physician for midline neck swelling.She also complained that she is not able to sing properly in high pitched voice.After examination doctor made the diagnosis of thyroid tumour.The doctor told her that a nerve in the vicinity of upper part of thyroid gland is compressed due to which she is not able to produce high pitched sounds.Which nerve is affected in this case?
a.Recurrent laryngeal nerve b.External laryngeal nerve c.Internal laryngeal nerve d.Hypoglossal nerve
133.Fibrocartilage is present in
a.Trachea b.Lung c.Articular surface of joint d.Intervertebral disc
134.The scapula is an example of
a.Long bone b.Flat bone c.Irregular bone d.Short bone
135.A 48 year old male having history of headache and difficulty in vision came to eye OPD and underwent perimetry(visual field testing)Perimetry revealed homonymous hemianopia without macular sparing.The site of lesion in visual pathway is
a.Optic nerve b.Optic chiasma c.Optic tract d.Visual cortex
Answer:Optic tract
136.Anterior choroid artery is a branch of
a.Anterior cerebral artery b.Middle cerebral artery c.Posterior cerebral artery d.Internal carotid artery
137.A 61 year old man was admitted to the emergency department with complaints of sudden onset of headache,giddiness and slurred speech.Physical examination reveals loss of pain sensation on the left side of body and right side of face.There was drooping of right upper eyelid and constriction of right pupil.MRI showed infarction of wedge shaped area on the dorsolateral aspect of medulla oblongata on right side.This may be due to occlusion of
a.Posterior inferior cerebellar artery b.Anterior cerebral artery c.Basilar artery d.Anterior spinal artery.
138.All the following are intracerebellar nuclei except
a.Dentate nucleus b.Fastigial c.Globose d.Red nucleus
139.A 35 year old woman visited an ENT surgeon with blocked ear on right side.On examination surgeon found impacted wax in ear and for that syringing was done to remove impacted wax.While doing syringing the woman coughed and vomited because of irritation of
a.Auricular branch of vagus nerve b.External laryngeal branch of vagus nerve
c..Internal laryngeal branch of vagus nerve d.Superior laryngeal branch of vagus nerve
140.Which of the following structures consists of both projection and commissural fibres
a.Corpus callosum b.Interthalamic adhesion c.Anterior commissure d.Habenular commissure
Answer: a
141.A 40 year old man was brought to casualty with stab wound in the chest.Due to the wound blood escaped into the pericardial cavity and diagnosis of cardiac tamponade was made.Urgent paracentesis was required.Where would the paracentesis needle be inserted?
a.Right of xiphoid process at an angle of 45 degree to skin in an upward and backward direction
b. Right of xiphoid process at an angle of 45 degree to skin in an downward and forward direction
c. Left of xiphoid process at an angle of 45 degree to skin in an upward and backward direction
d. Left of xiphoid process at an angle of 45 degree to skin in an downward and forward direction
142.A patient was diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia occurring through esophageal opening.All the following may be compressed except
a.Vagus nerve b.Oesophageal branches of gastric artery c.Lymphatics d.Right phrenic nerve
143.During surgery the midline abdominal incision below the umbilicus was given to a 35 year old male.The incision is most likely to spare cutting through
a.Pyramidalis b.Linea alba c Extraperitoneal fat d.Transversalis fascia
144.A 50 year old woman reports to OPD with prominent and dilated veins around umbilicus.On investigation diagnosis of portal hypertension is made.All of the following veins can be affected except
a.Right gastric vein b.Short gastric vein c.Splenic vein d.Superior pancreaticoduodenal vein
145.An amateur horse rider suffered injury to his hamstring group of muscles.Which of the following muscles is most likely to be damaged?
a.Rectus femoris b.Vastus medialis c.Vastus lateralis d.Biceps femoris
146.During abdominal surgery which of the following viscera in relation to anterior aspect of right kidney can be damaged?
a.2nd part of duodenum b.Portal vein c.Bile duct d.Splenic flexure of colon
147.An 18 year old boy is brought to emergency with history of severe pain in the umbilical region.Diagnosis of acute appendicitis is made.Which of the following spinal segments is involved?
a.T7 b.T8 c.T9 d.T10
148.A 23 year old football player got his ankle sprained due to eversion of foot.Which ligament is most likely to be injured?
a.anterior talofibular b.Calcaneofibular c.Deltoid ligament d.Capsule of ankle joint
149.In Potts fracture dislocation of ankle
a.Medial malleolus is torn b.Lateral malleolus is torn c.Talus bone is fractured d.Navicular bone is fractured
150.A basketball player suffered ankle sprain involving lateral ligament.The ligament most likely to be injured is
a.Anterior talofibular bCalcaneofibular c.Deltoid ligament d.Capsule of ankle joint
(For the lateral ankle ligament complex, the most frequently damaged ligament is the Anterior Talofibular ligament (ATFL).
151.Flat foot or pes planus is a condition in which
a.Medial longitudinal arch is depressed b.Forefoot is inverted c.Head of talus is forced upwards and laterally d.The cause is only congenital
152.The larynx continues as trachea at the level of
a.Lower border of thyroid cartilage b.Lower border of cricoid c.Lower border of hyoid d.4th cervical vertebra
153.The impairment of sinus node function of heart can occur due to obstruction in blood supply to
a.Right coronary artery b.Right anterior ventricular artery c.Left anterior descending artery d.Atrio-ventricular nodal artery
The sinoatrial nodal artery most commonly originates from right coronary artery (68% of patients) and less commonly from the left coronary artery and left circumflex artery (24.7% of patients).
154.During surgery involving the superior aperture of thorax which of the following structures cannot be damaged?
a.Right recurrent laryngeal nerve b.Left common carotid artery c.Left sympathetic trunk d.Thoracic duct
155.Pleural tapping in midaxillary line,muscle not pierced is:
a.Internal intercostal b.External intercostal c.Transversus thoracis d.Inner most intercostal

(Innermost intercostals is intercostalis intimi ,a part of transverses thoracis).
156.The thoracic duct opens into
a.Superior vena cava b.Inferior vena cava c.Angle between right subclavian and right internal jugular veins d. Angle between left subclavian and left internal jugular veins.
157.The last tributary of the azygous vein is:
a.Right superior intercostal vein b.Hemiazygous vein c.Right bronchial vein d.Accessory azygous vein
158.Most common site of Morgagni hernia is
a.Left anterior b.Right posterior c.Right anterior d.Left posterior
159.Which of following is correct regarding hilum of right lung
a.Thoracic duct arches over it b.Azygous vein arches over anterior surface c.Arch of aorta is related to its anterior surface d. Pressed by lingula
(Hilum of lung is arched on right side by azygous vein and on left side by arch of aorta).
160.The arch of aorta lies in the mediastinum
a.Posterior b.Anterior c.Middle d.Superior

161.A 35 year old woman presented with chief complaints of fatigue and weakness of various skeletal muscle groups that is exacerbated by activity and improves with rest. Among other investigations ,the doctor advised muscle biopsy. Following feature will be seen under microscope in biopsy
a. Cells with branched ends b. Cells with peripheral nuclei c. Cells with intercalated disks d. Fusiform cells

162. A 55 year old female came with complaints of progressively increasing pain in the shoulder, stiffness of the shoulder joint and restriction of movements mainly in abduction and rotation. Variety of this joint is
a.Condylar joint b. Ball and socket joint c.Saddle joint d.Hinge joint

163. A 50 year old man presented with fever, swelling on the left side of his face, purulent discharge from the nose and left sided nasal blockage for two weeks. After examination and investigations the patient was diagnosed to be suffering from maxiliary sinusitis. Nasal examination of this patient revealed purulent discharge from
a.Left middle meatus b.Left inferior meatus c.sphenoethmoidal recess d.Superior meatus

164. A 13 year old girl is admitted to the hospital for severe pain in the eye and forehead area. Physical examination revealed marked oedema of the eyelids, cornea and root of the nose and weakness in movements of the ipsilateral eyeball. The doctor also noticed that the patient suffers from severe acne involving the area between the upper lip and nose and the adjoining part of the cheek .Radiographic examination revealed thrombosis of cavernous sinus. Most likely route of spread of infection to the cavernous sinus is
a.Angular vein b.Ophthalmic vein c.Emissary vein d.Retinal vein

165. A 54 year old female with an acute onset of right sided facial muscle weakness reported in OPD. Patient also had dry right eye and difficulty speaking and drinking. Patient received the diagnosis of Bell’s palsy from a medical doctor and his prescription included treatment with corticosteroids and advice to seek treatment from a physiotherapist .Dry eye in this patient is primarily because of involvement of
a. Greater petrosal nerve b.Chorda tympani nerve c.Lesser petrol nerve d. Zygomaticofacial nerve
(The greater petrosal nerve supplies the parasympathetic autonomic component of lacrimal gland controlling production of moisture or tears in eyes).

166. A 34 year old male came in with a complaint of sore on tip of his tongue. On clinical examination an ulcer was found on the tip of tongue. Doctor made the diagnosis of apthous ulcer. Nerve carrying pain sensation from this ulcer is
a.Facial nerve b.Trigeminal nerve c.Glossopharyngeal nerve d.Hypoglossal nerve
(The lingual nerve carries sensory sensation from anterior 2/3rds of tongue.It contains fibres from both the mandibular division of trigeminal nerve and from facial nerve.The fibres from the trigeminal nerve are for touch,pain and temperature and the ones from the facial nerve are for taste).

167. A 10 year old child presented with fever and sudden onset of bilateral tender swelling of the parotid glands without other apparent cause. Secretions from parotid gland are discharge near
a.Upper premolar tooth b.Lower premolar tooth c.Upper molar tooth d.Lower molar tooth

168. A 56 year old male started using crutches as prescribed by a doctor post operatively after minor surgery on foot. Patient was diagnosed with crutch paralysis two weeks later involving radial nerve palsy. Which of the following is most likely to be weakened as a result of crutch paralysis?
a. Flexion of hand b.Abduction of fingers c.Extension of hand d. Adduction of the thumb

169. A 40 year old male labourer is admitted to the hospital after blunt trauma to his left axilla. Physical examination reveals undue prominence of medial border of scapula with difficulty in overhead abduction on the ipsilateral side. Which muscle is weakened in this case?
a. Latissimus dorsi b. Biceps brachii c. Brachialis d.Serratus anterior

170. During a road accident a 25 year old male suffered from fracture of right humerus about two centimeter above medial epicondyle of the humerus( supracondylar fracture). A nerve running along the medial side of brachial artery was damaged. On examination it was found that thumb was adducted and lateral two fingers lag behind while making a fist. Which nerve is injured in this case ?
a.Median nerve b.Ulnar nerve c. Radial nerve d.Axillary nerve

171. The right shoulder abduction of a 58 year old woman has become increasingly painful over the past year. Examination by an orthopedic doctor revealed following :There is no pain during abduction up to initial 60 degree the pain starts on further abduction and lasts during abduction up to 120 degree and then the paint disappears during abduction from 120 to 180 degree which tendon is inflamed in this case?
a. Biceps brachii b. Supraspinatus c. Infraspinatus d. Teres major
(Tendinitis and partial tears of supraspinatus tendon can cause a painful arc during shoulder abduction with pain typically occurring between 60 and 120 degrees as the tendon approaches upon the acromion, then pain subsides as the arm reaches 180 degrees.)

172. A 77 years old male was admitted in the hospital for kidney failure and was advised dialysis. The doctor selected a superficial vein in lateral part of the distal forearm. Name this vein?
a. Cephalic vein b.Basilic vein c. Radial vein d.Interosseous vein

173. A 65 year old woman was brought to the emergency department with a sudden onset of headache and partial loss of vision.She has a two year history of atrial fibrillation. Physical examination shows a visual field defect known as right homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing .The patient most likely has occlusion of which of the following arteries
a. Anterior cerebral b.Middle cerebral c.Posterior cerebral d.Central retinal
(Mostly,this deficit is due to infarcts or strokes involving the most posterior portion of occipital cortex in the classic posterior cerebral artery distribution.)

174. A 60 year old male undergoes evaluation for neurological symptoms. MRI scan shows bilateral infarcts in the thalami. Which of the following sensory pathways reaches the cortex without relay nuclei in the thalami
a. Proprioception b.Pain c.Vision d.Smell
(All sensory modalities like vision,taste,general/visceral sensation,auditory etc with the exception of olfaction are relayed to cortex by nuclei of the dorsal thalamus.)

175. A 40 year old male is unable to tolerate everyday sounds .Injury of which of the following cranial nerves might be responsible?
a.Hypoglossal b. Auditory c.Facial d.Accessory
(Hyperacusis is a hearing disorder that makes it hard to deal with everyday sounds.The facial nerve controls the stapedius muscle which regulates intensity in our ear).

176. A patient presents to the emergency room complaining of worsening headaches, confusion and intermittent vomiting. She is admitted but later dies in the hospital. Examination of the brain at autopsy shows enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles and a normal sized fourth ventricle. Where is the most likely sight of obstruction in this patient?
a. Interventricular foramen of Monro b. Cerebral aqueduct c.Medial foramen of Magendie d. Lateral foramen of Lushka
(Cerebral aqueduct is the narrow channel connecting the 3rd and 4th ventricles within the brain’s ventricular systems).

177. A highly agitated 54 year old man is brought to the emergency department by his family. He is unable to effectively communicate. He speaks clearly and with conviction but his sentences are incomprehensible. He does not appear to understand the doctor’s questions, does not follow oral or written instructions and cannot repeat simple phrases. Branch occlusion of which of the following arteries is most likely responsible for this patient’s condition
a.Anterior cerebral artery b. Middle cerebral artery c. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery d.Posterior cerebral artery
In receptive aphasia,dificulty understanding language,wqhile speech may be fluent but non-sensical.In most cases of Wernicke’s receptive aphasia the inferior division of middle cerebral artery supplying the temporal cortex is affected.

178. An infant born to a 22 year old female has difficulty feeding because of an undeveloped mandible. Development of which of the following structures is likely to be impaired in this patient ?
a.Styloid process b. Lesser horn of hyoid c.Stapes d. Malleus

179. A 53 year old male complaints of a strange feeling in his right thumb. On physical examination there is loss of sensation over the 5th digit. Which of the following nerves has most likely been injured
a.Ulnar nerve b. Median nerve c. Radial nerve d.Musculocutaneus nerve

180. Two proteins kinesin and dyein are isolated from samples of neural tissue from experimental animals. These proteins are functionally associated with which of the following cell structures?
a.Microtubules b.Lysosomes c.Vacuoles d. Membrane lipids
(Kinesin and cytoplasmic dynein are microtubule based motor proteins that actively transport material throughout the cell).

181. A baby presents with cleft lip, cleft palate, microphthalamia, metal retardation. His kerotyping is likely to show
a. 21 trisomy b.18 trisomy c.13 trisomy d.47 XXY

182. A patient comes to the OPD with severe abdominal pain. On ultrasound a 2 cm long diverticulum is seen at 2 feet from the ileocaecal junction. This structure is a remnant of which of the following
a.Urachus b.Hindgut c. Pars cystica d. Vitelline duct

183. Mucosa layer of the oesophagus consists of
a.Dense irregular connective tissue b. Longitudinal smooth muscles c.Stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium d. Keratinized squamous epithelium

184. A 24 year old female motocross racer was involved in a crash that left her right leg pinned under her bike after the accident. She could no longer extend her right knee which of the following nerves was most likely affected
a. Sciatic nerve b.Femoral nerve c.Obturator d.Saphenous nerve
Knee extensors(quadriceps femoris) form the quadriceps tendon and are innervated by femoral nerve.

185. A patient presents with dilated veins on his lateral body wall. The direction of blood flow is from the lateral thoracic veins to thoracoepigastric veins and then to the superficial epigastric veins. Which of the following do you suspect
a. Obstruction of axillary vein b.Obstruction of femoral vein c.Obstruction of superior vena cava d.Obstruction of inferior vena cava

186. Magnetic resonance cholagiopancreatography (MRCP) of of 55 year old female patient with cholelithiasis shows dilated common bile duct, hepatic ducts, cystic duct and pancreatic ducts.Which of the following structures is likely to be blocked by gallstones in this patient a.Major duodenal papilla b. Minor duodenal papilla c.Sphincter of common bile duct d.Sphincter of main pancreatic duct

187. Forensic pathologist on examining a pelvis find that the anteroposterior diameter at the pelvic brim is markedly shorter and the transverse diameter is quite wide. Which type of pelvis does it belong to
a.Android b.Anthropoid c.Gynecoid d.Platypelloid

188. A 56 year old female patient with ovarian carcinoma after surgical removal comes with complaints of painful spasms of the adductor muscle of thigh. On examination, there is sensory deficit in medial thigh region. Which nerve injury could lead to this presentation
a.Injury to pudendal nerve b.Injury to iliolumbar nerve c.Injury to obturator nerve d.Injury to femoral nerve

189. Proctoscopy in a 68 year old male patient presenting with rectal bleeding revealed a small tumour in the posterior wall one centimeter proximal to the pectinate line. Lymphatic spread to which of the following group of lymph nodes should be checked first
a.Superficial inguinal nodes b.Deep inguinal nodes c.Internal iliac nodes d.External iliac nodes
(Lymphatic spread above pectinate line-internal iliac lymph nodes;below pectinate line-superficial inguinal lymph nodes).

190. A 42 year old man is admitted to the emergency department after his automobile hits a tree. He is treated for a pelvic fracture with several deep lacerations. Physical examination reveals that dorsiflexion and inversion of the left foot and extension of the big toe are very weak. Sensation from the dorsum of the foot, skin of the sole and the lateral aspect of the foot has been lost and the patellar reflex is normal. The foot is inverted and planter flexed. which of the following structures is most likely injured?
a. The lumbosacral trunk at the linea terminalis b.L5 and S1 spinal nerves torn at the intervertebral foramen c. Fibular (peroneal) division of the sciatic nerve at the neck of fibula d.Sciatic nerve injury at the greater sciatic foramen (doorway of gluteal region).

191. An elderly multipara woman came to the hospital with protrusion of the upper part of linea alba. On examination it was found that it was a hernia sac containing greater omentum. The woman may be suffering from which of the following hernia
a. Umblical b.Inguinal c. Femoral d.Epigastric
(An epigastric hernia is defined as fascial defect in linea alba between the xiphoid process and umbilicus).

192. An adult woman came to the hospital with pain in the right hypochondrium.To confirm cholecystitis the doctor pressed at the tip of 9th costal cartilage. She had a sharp pain when she took a deep breath. This is suggestive of which of the following sign?
a. Troisier’s b. Murphy’s c.Kehr’s d. Trendelenburg’s

193. Anastamosis between Portal and systemic veins :
a.Superior rectal veins return blood to inferior vena cava b.Oesophageal branches of the left gastric vein join portal vein c.Oesophageal veins draining the middle part of oesophagus into the azygous vein join superior vena cava d.Middle and inferior rectal veins return blood to inferior mesenteric vein

194. True about omental bursa is
a. Located posterior to the greater omentum b.Does not communicate with the main peritoneal cavity by foramen of Winslow (epipolic foramen) c. Inferior border is formed by the transverse colon and the pancreas d.Anterior boundary of omental foramen are portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct.

195. The following is true about Turner’s syndrome
a. Occurs in males and females b. Associated with mental retardation c.Associated with translocation d.Associated with one X chromosome

196. The anterior wall of the superior part of the rectus sheath is formed by all except
a.Internal oblique aponeurosis b. Transversalis fascia c. Superficial abdominal fascia d. External oblique aponeurosis
197. The inguinal canal contains all except
a.Round ligament of uterus b.Lacunar ligament c.Pampiniform plexus d.Branch of ilioinguinal nerve

198. The portal vein drains blood from all the areas except
a.Lower end of oesophagus b.Pancreas c. Lower end of anal canal d. Spleen

199. A fertilized egg is called a
a. Germ cell b.Embryo c.Zygote d.Blastula

200. Trigone of urinary bladder is derived from
a.Endoderm b. Metanephric blastema c.Outpouching of mesonepric duct d.Cloaca

201. In a difficult labour ,an obstetrician applied forceps to the head of the baby. The newborn baby’s right arm was abducted and medially rotated and the forearm was extended and pronated. The condition is due to
a.Klumpke’s paralysis b.Erb’s paralysis c.Saturday night paralysis d.Median nerve injury

202. A 55 year old lady weighing 65kg complained of tingling and numbness in the index and middle finger of her left hand. On examination, the doctor found that the thenar eminence of her left hand was flattened. The clinical features represent
a. Carpal tunnel syndrome b. Cubital tunnel syndrome c.Scaphoid fracture d.Colle’s fracture

203.Clavipectorial fascia is pierced by all the following structures except
a. Cephalic vein b.Thoracoacromial artery c.Medial pectoral nerve d. Lymph vessels from the breast

204.A doctor stands behind the seated patient and passively abducts the patient’s arm to 90 degree and full external rotation, while supporting the arm at the elbow. Now, he releases the elbow support and asks patient to slowly lower the arm back to neutral. Doctor noticed that there is sudden drop of arm when patient brings arm near to body. The above test is indicating
a. Deltoid tear b. Teres major tear c. Biceps tear d. Supraspinatus tear
(Drop arm test for supraspinatus tear)

205.Most commonly used vein for intravenous injection is
a.Cephalic vein b. Basilic vein c. Median cubital vein d. Median vein of forearm

206. A five year old female child falls on ground. After the fall she experiences pain in the region of elbow. She was unwilling to use her arm and protectively holding her arm in an extended and pronated fashion. She likely has
a.Supracondylar fracture of humerus b. Dislocation of head of radius c. Fracture of ulna d. Fracture of medial epicondyle

207. A 45 year old male patient visited an ophthalmologist with complaint of drooping of right upper eyelid (ptosis). The eye looked laterally and downward. The patient had double vision (diplopia) if he tried to look medially. Which nerve is injured
a.Abducens nerve b.Trochlear nerve c.Facial nerve d.Oculomotor nerve

Ptosis-damage to levator palpebrae superioris;In oculomotor palsy muscles responsible for inward and upward eye movement are paralysed so eye looks down and out.On trying to look medially(towards nose)weakness of medial rectus muscle causes diplopia.Diplopia or double vision occurs when eyes are misalignedand the brain receives two different images of same object.

208. A 50 year old female of hilly area developed a pulsatile swelling on right side of neck. She visited her physician for frequent attacks of fainting. The physician notices that a swelling was located in carotid triangle and it moved horizontally but not vertically. The affected structure is
a.Carotid body b.External carotid artery c. Internal carotid artery d. Internal jugular vein
(Carotid bodt tumours usually present as painless pulsatile mass at the level of carotid bifurcation and typically can be moved side to side but not vertically).

209. A 30 year old woman visited a surgeon for swelling in the anterior and lower part of the neck. On examination surgeon noticed a midline nodular swelling in the anterior part of neck which moves with swallowing. The anatomical structure which was responsible for this swelling was
a. Parotid gland b.Parathyroid gland c.Thyroid gland d.Submandibular gland

210. The infection is common in which paranasal air sinus
a. Maxillary sinus b.Frontal sinus c.Ethmoidal air cells d.Sphenoidal air sinus

211.A 14 year old boy presented with complaint of rapidly growing painful swelling on face in front of ear on the right side. The pain increases while taking meals but subsides to some extent after finishing meal .Doctor diagnosed this as a case of acute parotitis. The reason for severe pain in this case is
a. Compression of facial nerve within parotid gland b.Unyielding nature of parotid capsule c.Parotid gland erodes temporomandibular joint d. Compression of external carotid artery within parotid gland

212. Killian’s dehiscence is a defect present in wall of
a.Oesophagus b.Larynx c.Palate d.Pharynx

213. Urothelium is the term used for
a. Transitional epithelium b.Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium c.Simple squamous epithelium d.Simple cuboidal epithelium

214. The part of the growing long bones commonly involved in osteomyelitis is
a.Epiphysis b.Metaphysis c. Diaphysis d.Epiphyseal plate

215.A 42 year old male having history of headache and difficulty in vision came to eye opd and underwent perimetery and visual field testing).Perimetry revealed heteronymous hemianopia. The site of lesion in visual pathway is
a.Optic nerve b.Optic tract c.Optic chaisma d.Visual cortex

216. A 55 year old woman went to neurologist with complaint of difficulty in walking. On examination neurologist found (i)No signs of facial palsy (ii)deviation of tongue on right side on protrusion (iii)atrophy of tongue on the right side(iv) loss of position and vibration sense on the left side. A diagnosis of right sided medial medullary syndrome was made. This may be due to occlusion of
a.Posterior spinal artery b. Anterior cerebral artery c.Basilar artery d.Anterior spinal artery

217.Which of the following subarachnoid cisterns is largest?
a. Cerebellomedullary cistern b.Cisterna ambiens c. Pontine cistern d.Interpeduncular cistern

218. A 63 year old male presented with symptoms of resting tremors, pill rolling moments of hands, mask like face or loss of facial expression, lead pipe or cogwheel type of muscular rigidity. The part of brain whose lesion is responsible is
a.Thalamus b.Basal ganglion c.Cerebral hemisphere d. Midbrain

219.All the following arteries take part in formation of circle of Willis except
a.Anterior communicating b. Anterior cerebral c. Middle cerebral d.Posterior cerebral

220. The Y shaped sheet of white matter that divides thalamus into its three main parts (anterior, medial and lateral) is called
a. Laminar terminalis b. Stria medullaris thalami c. Internal medullary lamina d. Lamina cribrosa

221. A 47 year old female came with pain in abdomen. She was diagnosed with large ovarian cyst. During physical examination, she had ‘scissor gate’ in which an individual crosses one limb in front of the other. Which of the following nerves was most likely involved in this condition
a.Femoral nerve b. Obturator nerve c. Inferior gluteal nerve d.Sciatic nerve

Adductor spasticity is associated with obturator nerve

222.A five day old infant has a small area on the right iris missing and a diagnosis of coloboma of the iris is made. Which of the following is the most likely gene responsible for the coloboma?
a. PAX 2 b.PAX 6 c.PAX 8 d.PAX9

223.During the surgical repair of a perforated duodenal ulcer in a 47 year old male patient, the gastroduodenal artery is ligated. A branch of which of the following arteries will continue to supply blood to the pancreas in this patient?
a. Inferior mesenteric artery b.Left gastric artery c.Proper hepatic artery d.Superior mesenteric artery

224.A two month old infant is diagnosed with a ventricular septal defect in the area of the subpulmonary infundibulum. Which of the following structures must be avoided carefully by the surgeon when the sutures are placed at the site of the defect?
a. Right bundle branch b.Right coronary artery c. Tricuspid valve d.Left anterior descending coronary artery artery

While suturing a VSD surgeons must carefully avoid the aortic valve,tricuspid valve and bundle of His(conduction system) to prevent damage and ensure heart function.

225.A 40 year old man is admitted to the emergency department after a violent car crash. Physical examination reveals that the patient suffers from a ‘straddle injury’ to the perineum. An MRI examination reveals that extravasating urine and blood from a torn bulbar urethra are present in the superficial perineal cleft. Which of the following fascia provide boundaries for this space?
a. Camper’s facia and Scarpa’s facia b.Perineal membrane and external perineal fascia of Gallaudet c.Colle’s fascia and external perineal fascia of Gallaudet d. Perineal membrane and the superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm

226.A medical student while observing a slide of the gastrointestinal tract in histology notes the following features: epithelium with goblet cells, intestinal glands, plica circularis and glands in submucosa. Which region of the gastrointestinal tract was the student observing?
a. Duodenum b. Jejunum c. Ileum d.Colon

227. In histology lab while observing the histology slide of lung a student notices an airway having respiratory epithelium, smooth muscles in laminar propria, seromucus gland in sub mucosa and several plates of hyaline cartilage. Which of the following airways was observed by the student?
a. Primary bronchus b.Secondary bronchus c.Bronchiole d. Alveolar duct
(Bronchiole does not have hyaline cartilage.Primary bronchus-C shaped rings of hyaline cartilage,secondary bronchus-plates of hyaline cartilage.As brobhi continue to branch cartilage decreases,glands and goblet cells decrease,smooth muscle increases).

228.A 27 year old primi gravida presented with 19 weeks of amenorrhea in an obstetric clinic. Her routine antenatal ultrasound revealed an abdominal swelling enclosed in a membrane with herniation of liver and intestinal loops. She was then admitted for termination of pregnancy. Identify the correct statement regarding the anomaly in the given case
a. It results from failure of fusion of lateral body folds b.The membrane covering it is amnion c.It is associated with young maternal age d. It is associated with paramedian defect, usually on the right side

229. A 65 year old man suffered from triple vessels block in heart. A cardiologist suggested him CABG. Which is the most suitable vein for taking graft for bypass surgery?
a. Great saphenous vein b. Short saphenous vein c. Femoral vein d. Popliteal vein

230. A 45 year old male visited doctor for severe back pain after lifting heavy weight. The pain was referred to the back of thigh, lateral side of left leg and radiating to foot. MRI of the back revealed decreased space between L4 and L5 and L5 and S 1. Which nerve is likely to be affected?
a. Femoral nerve b. Obturator nerve c.Sciatic nerve d.Pudendal nerve

231. One year old boy is admitted to the hospital with complaint of absence of testes from scrotum. The pediatrician palpated the testes in inguinal canal which was confirmed by a CT scan of abdomen. What is this condition called?
a. Ectopic testis b. Torsion of testis c.Varicocele d.Cryptorchidism

232. An 18 year old female was admitted to emergency department for paraumblical pain ,vomiting and fever. Physical examination revealed tenderness over the Mc Burney’s point. Blood test showed elevated levels of leukocytes. This is a clinical condition of
a.Acute cholecystitis b. Acute appendicitis c.Acute cystitis d.Acute typhlitis

233. A 41 year old man is unable to expel the last drops of urine from urethra at the end of micturation. because of paralysis of the external urethral sphincter and bulbopongiosis muscles. This condition may occur as a result of injury to which of the following nervous structure
a.Pelvic plexus b.Prostatic plexus c. Pudendal nerve d. Pelvic’s splanchnic nerve

234.A 50 year old businessman complains of heart burn after meals. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed that gastro esophageal junction has herniated into the thorax causing acid reflux after meals. What is the probable diagnosis?
a. Sliding hiatal hernia b.Rolling haital hernia c.Acute gastritis d.Bochdalek hernia

235.One day old infant born to a 38 year old mother failed to pass the mecronium during the first 24 hours after his birth. Physical examination revealed presence of dimple instead of anal opening. What is the diagnosis?
a. Ectopic anus b.Imperforate anus c.Anorectal fistula d.Anal duplication

236. A two year old boy is brought to the doctor for complaint of shortness of breath and cyanosis. Physical examination reveals sternum in xiphisternal region alongwith attached costal cartilages and depressed. What is the probable diagnosis?
a. Pectus carinatum b.Pectus excavatum c.Stove in chest d. Fracture of body of sternum

237.A 33 year old female delivered a baby of 33 week gestational age. The loops of intestine were outside abdominal cavity of the baby. On examination it was seen that contents were covered only by amnion. What is the diagnosis?
a. Acquired umblical hernia b. Umblical diverticula c. Physiological hernia d. Exomphalos

238. A pulmonary tuberculosis patient developed plural diffusion and came to civil hospital for plural tapping. The ideal side for putting needle is
a.In between coastal cartilages b.Upper part of intercostal space c.Middle part of intercostal space d.Lower part of intercostal space

239.A 37 year old male is diagnosed with malignant melanoma of the skin of lower abdomen. On examination a doctor found a few enlarged lymph nodes in the femoral triangle region. Which lymph nodes are enlarged in this condition?
a. Upper medial group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes b. Upper lateral group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes c.Vertical group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes d. Deep inguinal lymph nodes

240.A 56 year old patient is admitted in cardiac ICU for myocardial infarction. Treating doctors are planning for coronary angiography. Which artery is preferable for catheterization?
a. Femoral artery b.Profunda femoris artery c.Popliteal artery d.Subclavian artery
(Note :Radial artery is now preferred over femoral artery due to lower risk of complications and faster recovery).

Anatomy (Paper A and B Feb 2023/02 Mains)

Q.2. Describe the uterus under following headings(4+3+3+2)
a.Gross features
b.Supports of uterus
c.Blood supply and lymphatic drainage
d.Applied anatomy

Q.3. Write short notes on(5×4)
a.Describe the boundaries and contents of adductor canal
b.Enumerate the tributaries and discuss briefly the embryologiocal development of coronary sinus
c.Explain briefly the factors responsible for the maintenance of medial longitudinal arch of foot
d.Explain the formation of tertiary chorionic villi

Q4.Explain the anatomical/embryological basis of (3×5)
a.Patent ductus arteriosus
b.Fermoral hernia is more common in females
c.Left sided varicocoele is more common in males
d.Foreign body impaction is more common in right lung
e.Pain of appendicitis is referred to the umbilical region

Q5 Discuss briefly the applied aspect of(6×3)
a.Disruption of the Abductor mechanism of hip joint
b.Autosomal recessive disorders
c.Diaphragmatic hernia

Q6 a. Draw well labeled diagram of (5×2)
(i)Microanatomy of liver
(ii)Anterior relations of right kidney
b.Discuss briefly the precautions to be taken by students during cadaveric dissection? 5


Q.2. Describe the anatomy of the temporomandibular joint under following headings(4×3)
a.Type of joint,articular surfaces and ligaments
b.Movements and muscles producing them
c.Clinical anatomy

Q3.Write short notes on 5×4
a.Illustrate microanatomy of cornea
b.Discuss briefly the various types of muscles with examples of each
c.Describe the boundaries of the quadrangular spacve in scapular region along with the structures passing through it and its related applied
d.Describe microanatomy of elastic cartilage

Q4.Explain 3×5
a.Clinical anatomy of piriform fossa
b.Winging of scapula
c.Argyll Robertson Pupil
d.Lateral medullary syndrome
e.Anatomical basis of ligation of thyroid arteries during thyroid surgeries

Q5.Write short notes on 6×3
a.Discuss movements and muscles responsible for them at wrist joint
b.Transverse section through medulla oblongata at the level of pyramidal decussation
c.Discuss embryological development of tongue

Q6.Write short notes on 5×3
a.Describe the blood supply of mammary gland
b.Discuss in brief the blood supply of spinal cord
c.Role of biological tissues and cadavers in learning anatomy


Anatomy (Paper A and B 2023/06 Supplementary)

Q.2. Describe the larynx under following headings: -(4×3)
a. Cartilages and ligaments
b. Movements of vocal cords
C. Clinical anatomy

Q.3. Write short notes on(5×4)
a. Illustrate microanatomy of mammary gland
b. Types of cartilaginous joints
C. Claw hand
d. Describe microanatomy of compact bone

Q.4. Explain(3×5)
a. Clinical importance of median cubital vein
b. Wry neck
C. Neurobiotaxis with example
d. Erb’s palsy
e. Haemmohrage after tonsillectomy

Q.5. Write short notes on(6×3)

a. Derivatives of first pharyngeal arch
b. Transverse section through midbrain at the level of superior colliculus
C. Cranial nerve nuclei of general visceral efferent column

Q.6. Write short notes on(5×3)
a. Lymphatic drainage of mammary gland
b. Lower triangular space in scapular region
C. Circle of Willis


Q.2. Describe ‘Spleen’ under the following headings(4+3+3+2)
a. Gross features
b. Relations
C. Blood supply and lymphatic drainage
d. Applied anatomy

Q.3. Write short notes on(5×4)
a. Femoral sheath
b. Bronchopulmonary segments
c. Lateral longitudinal arch of foot
d. Fertilisation

Q.4. Explain the anatomical/embryological basis of(3×5)
a. Tetralogy of fallot
b. Foot drop
C. Paracentesis thoracis
d. Intramuscular injections are given in the upper and lateral quadrant of gluteal region
e. Pain of ureteric colic referred from loin to groin

Q.5. Discuss briefly the applied aspect of(6×3)
a. Cervical rib
b. Autosomal dominant disorders
C. Atrial septal defects

Q.6. a. Draw well labelled diagram of (5×3)

a. Microanatomy of Pancreas
b. Draw well labelled diagram of structures forming stomach bed
c. Discuss briefly about proper disposal of biomedical waste in dissection hall.


Anatomy 2023/11(Mains A and B)

Q.2. Describe the anatomy of shoulder joint under following headings: -(4×3)
a. Type of joint,articular surfaces and ligaments
b. Movements and muscles producing them
c. Clinical anatomy

Q.3. Write short notes on(5×4)
a. Illustrate microanatomy of cerebellum
b. Describe microanatomy of hyaline cartilage
C. Pulp space of fingers
d. Types of epiphysis

Q.4. Explain why (3×5)
a. Frey’s Syndrome
b. Torticollis of neck
C. Medial squint
d. Cleft lip
e. Black eye

Q.5. Write short notes on(6×3)

a. Discuss effects of lesions of visual pathway at optic nerve,optic chiasma and optic tract
b. Prepare a flow chart of corticospinal tract
c. Discuss embryological basis of thyroglossal fistula

Q.6. Write short notes on(5×3)
a. Blood supply of thyroid gland
b. Nerve supply of tongue
C. Blood suppy of cerebral hemisphere

Q.2. Describe ‘Inguinal Canal’ under the following headings(2+4+3+3)
a. Location and extent
b. Boundaries and contents
c. Mechanisms of inguinal canal
d. Applied anatomy

Q.3. Write short notes on(5×4)
a. Inversion and eversion of foot
b. Sinuses of pericardium
c. Peripheral heart
d. Implantation

Q.4. Explain the anatomical/embryological basis of(3×5)
a. Annular pancreas
b. Foot drop
c. Prolapse of uterus
d. Trendelenberg’s sign
e. Referred pain to left shoulder and left upper limb in case of angina pectoris

Q.5. Discuss briefly the applied aspect of(6×3)
a. Pleural tap
b. Sex chromosome disorders
C. Coarctation of aorta

Q.6. a. Draw well labelled diagram of (5×3)
a.Microanatomy of Duodenum
b. Anterior relations of left kidney
C. Discuss briefly about proper disposal of biomedical waste in dissection hall


Anatomy (Paper A and B 2024/02 Supplementary)
Q2 Describe the parotid gland under the following headings(4×3)
a.Surfaces and relations
b.Secretomotor pathway
c.Applied anatomy
Q3Write short notes on(5×4)
a.Microanatomy of palatine tonsil
b.Movements at shoulder joint
c.Development of tongue
d.Circle of Willis
Q4 Explain(3×5)
a.Types of epiphysis
b.Killian’s dehiscence
c.Carpal tunnel syndrome
d.Neural tube defects
e.Maxillary air sinus is more prone to infection
Q5 Write short notes on 6×3
a.Formation and branches of brachial plexus
b.Cavernous sinus
c.Components of basal ganglia
Q6Write short notes on 5×3
a.Microanatomy of hyaline cartilage
b.Waste disposal(management) in anatomy
c.CSF circulation
Q2 Describe Hip Joint under the following headings(2+3+5+2)
a.Type and articular surfaces
c.Movements and muscles responsible for movements
d.Applied anatomy
Q3Write short notes on(5×4)
a.Arch of aorta and its development
b.Ischiorectal fossa
Q4 Explain the anatomical/embryological basis of (3×5)
a.Foot drop
b.Annular pancreas
c.Referred pain to upper limb in case of acute myocardial ischaemia
d.Indirect inguinal hernia
e.Congenital megacolon
Q5 Discuss briefly the applied aspect of (6×3)
a.Portosystemic anastomosis
b.Structural chromosomal aberrations
c.Femoral hernia
Q6 (5×3)
a. Draw well labeled diagram of microanatomy of pancreas
b. Draw well labeled diagram of microanatomy of trachea
c.Define embalming and enumerate the constituents of embalming fluid

Q2. Describe the nasal cavity under the following headings: (4×3)
a. Walls b. Blood supply c. Nerve supply
Q3 Write short notes on (5×4)
a.Illustrate microanatomy of thyroid gland
b.Types of fibrous tissue
c.Horner syndrome
d.Microanatomy of muscle
Q4.Explain (3×5)
a.Clinical importance of radial artery
b.Crocodile tears
c. Neural crest cells
d. Clinical importance of axiliary lymph nodes
d. Tonsillar bed
Q5. Write short notes on: (6×3)
a.Types of cleft palate and their embryological basis
b.Transverse section through the pons at lower level
c.Cranial nerve nuclei of somatic efferent column
Q6. Write short notes on(5×3)
a. Parts and branches of axiliary artery
b. Contents of cubital fossa
c. Biomedical waste disposal (management) in Anatomy

Q2. A 19 year old football player was hit on the lateral side of his knee just as he put that foot on the ground. Unable to walk without assistance he’s taken to the hospital. AnMRI examination reveals a torn ligament.(2+4+3+3)
a.Describe the bones involved in the formation of the joint. What type of joint it is ?
b.What are the movements around the joint and muscles concerned with it?
c. Draw a neat diagram of the anastomosis around it?
d. Enumerate all the ligaments and bursa around the joint
Q3 Write short notes on (5×4)
a.Describe briefly the formation of placenta
b. Discuss the arterial supply of heart
c.Posterior relations of the kidney
d. Explain the gross anatomy, blood supply, nerve supply and applied of appendix.
Q4. Explain the anatomical/ embryological basis of (3×5)
a.Uterine prolapsed
b. Undescended testis
c.Ectopia vesicae
d. Spina bifida
e.Femoral hernia
Q5. Discuss briefly the applied aspect of (6×3)
a.The venous drainage of lower limb
b.Embryological development of interatrial septum
c. Diaphragmatic hernia
Q6. Answer the following question (5×3)
a.Draw a labeled diagram of the histology of kidney
b.Draw labeled diagram of the visceral impression on the mediastinal surface of left lung
c.Write a note of cadaver as our first teacher
Q2. Describe thyroid gland under the following headings: 4×3
a.Surfaces and relations
b.Blood supply
c.Applied anatomy
Q3.Write short notes on:(5×4)
a.Micro anatomy of submandibular gland
b. Cubital fossa
c. Derivatives of first pharyngeal arch
d.Arterial supply of internal capsule
a. Infection is more common at growing ends of long bone
b. Superficial cut in neck may sometime lead to death
c. Erb’s palsy
d. Cleft palate
e. Bell’s palsy
Q5.Short notes on: (6×3)
a. Lymphatic drainage of breast
b. Posterior triangle of neck
c. Cerebellar peduncles
Q6.Write short notes(5×3)
a. Microanatomy of compact bone
b. Cadaver as first teacher
c. Floor of 4th ventricle

Q2.A 70 year old man due to a large prostate has difficulty in passing urine. On examination the urologist tells him that the prostate lobe has enlarged and bulged within the urinary bladder. Describe the urinary bladder under the following headings. (3+3+3+3)
a. Location, shape and gross features
b. Supports
c. The interior of urinary bladder
d. Nerve supply
Q3.Write short notes on (5×4)
a.Popliteal fossa
b.Arterial supply of heart
c. Triceps surae
d. Rotation of gut
Q4.Explain the anatomical/ embryological basis of (3×5)
a. Fallot’s tetralogy
b. Caput Medusae
c. Flat foot
d. Cleavage
e. Down’s syndrome
Q5.Discuss briefly the applied aspect of (6×3)
a.Varicose veins
b.Bronco pulmonary segments
c.Vermiform appendix
Q6 Answer the following question (5×3)
a. Histological features of ovary
b. Azygous vein
c. Etiquette’s in dissection hall


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