Solved University MCQ's

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Obstetrics & Gynaecology – Solved University MCQ’s 1. Which of the following change in foetal circulation occurs at one year of agea. Permanent closure of umbilical veins b. Formation of ligamentum arteriosum c. Constriction of the ductus arteriosus d. Anatomical closure of the foramen ovaleAnswer:d 2. A 21 year old sexually active woman reported with […]

Obstetrics & Gynaecology – Solved University MCQ’s

1. Which of the following change in foetal circulation occurs at one year of age
a. Permanent closure of umbilical veins b. Formation of ligamentum arteriosum c. Constriction of the ductus arteriosus d. Anatomical closure of the foramen ovale

2. A 21 year old sexually active woman reported with excruciating pain. She had history of irregular cycles and her partner gave history of use of condoms for contraception. Her last menstrual period was 45 days back. On examination her blood pressure is 90 / 55 mm Hg and her pulse is 115. Which of the following needs to be immediately ruled out
a. Torsion of ovary b. Ectopic pregnancy c. Missed abortion d. Molar pregnancy

3. A 26 year old woman with 8 weeks of pregnancy reported with aUSG scan of live foetus corresponding to the period of gestation and simple anechoic ad adnexal cyst of 5 cm. What advice would you extend to the woman
a. Reassure her b. Advocate CT scan c. Report with Ca- 125 d. Preoperative test for laparoscopic removal

4. A woman with slow progress of labor was referred to a tertiary level hospital. On pelvic examination at 8 cm of cervical dilation brow is palpable. What is the plan of action?
a. Augmentation of labour with oxytocin b. Plan her for mid cavity forceps application in second stage of labor c. Plan her for ventouse application in 2nd stage of Labor d. Undertake lower segment Caesarean section

5. A woman at 11 weeks of gestation reported for counselling with history of bite by a stray dog untraceable for follow up. What will be your advice to her regarding anti rabies vaccination?
a. Reassure and vaccinate in second trimester b. Advise MTP before vaccination c. Vaccinate and then advise MTP d. Counsel and vaccinate

6. Which of the following is an indication for intravenous route of iron therapy ?
a. Severe anaemia in labour b. Pregnancy with irritable bowel syndrome c. Anaemia in first trimester d. Pregnancy with placenta previa

7. A woman at 34 weeks with previous 2 LSCS presented to labor room in shock with tense tender uterus and intrauterine death. What is the most probable cause?
a .Rupture uterus b. Abruption c. Abdominal pregnancy d. Scar dehiscence

8. A woman with pain abdominal 24 weeks of pregnancy underwent an ultrasound and was diagnosed with a 8 cm large fibroid uterus. What is the ideal management under the circumstances
a. Terminate pregnancy b. Give pain killers c. Offer myomectomy d.Can be given GnRH agonists

9. What changes have been made in WHO next generation photograph
a. The rate of dilatation has been increased from one cm/ hour to 1.5 cm /hour b. The active stage is considered after five centimetre of dilatation c. There is slight shift in the active line for early intervention d. The manual quantification of strength of uterine contraction has been replaced by electronic cardiotocography

10. A grand multipara after a precipitate labour went into shock immediately after expulsion of baby with a pear shaped reddish purple mass protruding out of vagina. The most probable diagnosis is
a.Morbidity adherent placenta b. Protrusion of subserosal fibroid c. Inversion of uterus d. Prolapse of uterus

11. A woman in labour reflected variable deceleration on cardiotocogram. Which of the following is likely to be related to it
a.Severe hypoxia b.Cord compression c.Hyperstimulation d.Head compression of the foetus

12. Which of the following has been incorporated in the recent amendment of MTP law 2023 ?
a.MTP for an incest up to 24weeks with consent of one RMP
b. MTP for a rape survivor upto 24 weeks with consent of one RMP
c. MTP for any pregnancy with substantial congenital malformation of foetus even beyond 24 weeks with consent of two RMP
d. MTP for an unmarried girl up to 24 weeks for contraceptive failure with consent of one RMP

13. Which of the following is a risk factor for uterine scar dehiscence
a. Previous LSCS for breach delivery b.Abdominal scar infection c.Inter pregnancy gap less than one year d.Patient going into pre term labor

14. Which of the following is a relative indication for termination of pregnancy?
a. Eisenmenger’s syndrome b.multiparous women with grade 3 and 4 cardiac lesions c.Primary veno- occlusive disease d.Primary pulmonary hypertension

15. Which of the following combination is suggestive of down syndrome in the foetus?
a. Reduced PAPP-A,decreased beta hCG and increased nuchal translucency
b Reduced PAPP-A, increased beta hCG and increased nuchal translucency.
c.Increased PAPP-A, increased beta hCG and increased nuchal translucency.
d. Reduced PAPP-A, increased beta hCG and decreased nuchal translucency.

16. A 30 year old multiparous female with history of recurrent cholestasis of pregnancy approached family planning service centre for counselling. Which contraceptive should be avoided for her?
a.Cu T b. Progesterone only contraceptive pills c. Combined oral contraceptive pills d.Medicated intrauterine device

17. A G2P1 with history of C section and postpartum deep vein thrombosis within a week of delivery was referred to you at 38 weeks in early labour. What shall be your plan of action?
a. Give her therapeutic dose of heparin if she delivers by LSCS
b. Give her therapeutic dose of heparin post delivery irrespective of route of delivery
c. Give her prophylactic dose of heparin if she delivers by LSCS
d. Give her prophylactic dose of heparin post delivery irrespective of route of delivery

18. A patient with maintenance dose of magnesium sulphate was detected to have respiratory rate of 12/ per minute. Which of the following is not part of treatment
a. Oxygen by mask b. Immediate LSCS c. Chelation of magnesium d.Stoppage of next dose of magnesium

19. A primigravida had a second trimester abortion at 16 weeks with very short labor and delivered a live foetus en caul. Her USG for pelvic organs was normal. She should be counselled for which of the following
a. Tests for inherited thrombophilia b.Battery of TORCH test c.Cervical length evaluation in next pregnancy d.Tests for antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Answer: c

20. A contraception with ovulatory drugs. Her early first trimester ultrasound reported twin pregnancy with T sign which is suggestive of
a. Monochorionic monoamniotic pregnancy b. Mono chorionic diamniotic pregnancy c. Dichorionic diamniotic pregnancy d. Dichorionic monochorionic pregnancy

21. A 58 year old woman has presented with complaint of postmenopausal bleeding for the last 15 days the most essential investigation would be
a.Colposcopy b.Pap smear c.D &C (dilation and curettage) d. Hysteroscopy

22. A newly married girl comes to Gynae OPD with history of dysuria, burning micturation and sore perineum. What is your likely diagnosis
a. Trauma due to colitis b. Honeymoon cystitis c Trichomonas vaginitis d. Candidiasis

23. 56 year old woman has come to you with complaints of hot flashes, irritability, joint pains with lack of sleep most appropriate treatment will be
a. Hormone therapy b. Multivitamins c.Reassurance d.Hysteroscopy

24. A young girl of 13 years age comes with excessive bleeding. The most common cause is a.Ectopic pregnancy b.Uterine cancer c. Anovulation d.Trauma

25. A 63 year old lady presents with abdominal mass and weight loss. She was diagnosed as having ovarian tumour .The most common ovarian tumour at this age is
a. Germ cell tumor b.Epithelial cell tumor c. sex cord tumor d.trophoblastic tumor

26. A 26 year old G3P2has presented with complaints of amenorrhea, vaginal discharge ,passage of vesicles and excessive vomiting. Ultrasound shows snow storm appearance in uterus with no foetus
a. Fibroid uterus b.Gestational trophoplastic disease c.Ectopic pregnancy d. Twin pregnancy

27. A 55 year old post menopausal lady with simple endometrial hyperplasia with atypia .What is the ideal management?
a. Mirena b.Progestin c.Estrogen d.Hysterectomy

28. A large cystic tumor is detected in a woman in routine antenatal checkup. The most common complication she can encounter is
a. Haemorrhage b.Torsion c.Rupture d.Degeneration

29. A 39 year old woman para 6 has presented with complaint of postcoital bleeding for the past three months your further investigation should be
a. D and C b.Colposcopy c. Laparoscopy d.Pap smear

30. A perimenopausal lady with well differentiated adenocarcinoma of uterus has more than half of myometrial invasion and inguinal lymph node metastasis. She is staged as
a.Stage 3b b. Stage 3c stage c.Stage 4a d. Stage 4b

31. A 13 year old girl presents in casualty with acute pain in lower abdomen. She has a history of cyclical pain for the last six months and has not attained menarche. On local examination a tense bulge in the region of hymen is seen the most probable diagnosis is
a.MRKHsyndrome b.Ashermann’s syndrome c.Testicular feminization syndrome d.Imperforate hymen

32. A patient treated for infertility with clomiphene citrate presents with acute onset of pain, distension and ascitis. The probable cause is
a.Uterine b. Hyper stimulation syndrome. c. Multifoetal pregnancy d. None of the above

33. A 65 year old female complaints of procidentia. She has passed history of MI, severe diabetes mellitus and hypertension. The best management for the patient’s prolapsed uterus is a.Cervicopexy b. Luait and cuatech c. Vaginal hysterectomy d.Colpocleisis

34. A 40 year old multiparous lady complains of involuntary loss of urine associated with coughing, laughing, lifting weight or even standing. The history is most suggestive of
a. Fistula b. Stress incontinence c. Urge incontinence d. urinary tract infection

35. A 45 year old female presents with post coital bleeding. On per speculum examination a friable mass is found in cervix. First step in management is
a. Dilatation and Currettage b. Pap smear c. Punch biopsy d. Only observation

36. A woman having pregnancy with fibroid develops acute pain abdomen with low grade fever and mild leukocytosis at 28 weeks. The most likely diagnosis is
a.Preterm labour b.Torsion of fibroid c. Red degeneration of fibroid d.Infection of fibroid

37. A 20 year old woman is on oral contraceptive pills and she is currently diagnosed as having pulmonary tuberculosis. Which anti- tubercular drug decreases the effect of OCP’s
a. Isoniazid(INH) b. Rifampin c. Ethambutol d. Pyrazinamide

38. A 55 year old female presents with abdominal pain, distension, ascitis and dyspnoea.Her CA- 125 levels are elevated. The most likely diagnosis is
a. Ca cervix b. Ca lung c.Ca ovary d. Lymphoma

39. A 27 year old multiparous woman complains of severe menstrual bleeding with lower abdominal pain since three months. On investigation there was 14 weeks size uterus with fundal fibroid. The treatment of choice is
a. Hysterectomy b. Myomectomy c. Gonadotropin analogues d. Wait and watch

40. A 37 year old female on oral contraceptive presents with curdy discharge, itching. What is the likely causative agent
a. Trichomonas vaginalis b.Candida albicans c.Moluluncus d. Chlamydia

BF/2024/03 Mains
Q2. A 26 year old presented with twin pregnancy. (4+4+4)
a.What is the importance of establishing chorionicity of twin pregnancy and how and when it is done?
b.What are the complications specific to monozygotic twins and how are they diagnosed ? c.Enumerate indication for elective caesarean section in multifetal pregnancies?

Q3. Write short notes on (5×4)
a.Prevention of Rh isoimmunisation
b.Management of postpartum haemorrhage
c.How do you manage a case of cord prolapse
d. Uterotonics and their role in obstetrics

Q4. Explain why? (3×5)
a. Doppler is done for prevention of pre- eclampsia
b.Routine ultrasound is done in second trimester
c.Why electronic monitoring is important for management of previous scar in labor
d. Why screening test for gestational diabetes mellitus is mandatory in pregnancy
e. Why molar pregnancy should be followed after evacuation

Q5. Write short notes on? (6×3)
a.Explain and draw a partogram
b.Management of septic abortion
c. Complications of diabetes mellitus in pregnancy

Q6. Write short notes on? (5×3)
a.Prevention of thalassemia
b. Physiology of lactation
c.Describe conflicts of interest in patient care and professional relationship

BF/2024/03 Supplementary
Q2. What is ectopic pregnancy. List the causes of tubal pregnancy. Describe the clinical features of acute tubal rupture and its management. (3+3+3+3)

Q3. Write short notes on (5×4)
a. Indications of diagnostic hysteroscopy
b. PALM-COEIN Classification
c. Pelvic diaphragm
d. Candidiasis

Q4. Explain why (3×5)
a. Screening of cervical cancer is important
b. Oral contraceptive pill should be avoided after 35 years
c. Adenomycosis is an important cause of abnormal uterine bleeding
d.Weight management in obese infertile woman
e. In a young female spasmodic type of dysmenorrhea is more common

Q5. Write short notes on (6×3)
a. Dermoid cyst
b. Lactational amenorrhoea method
c. Degeneration of fibroid

Q6. Write short notes on (5×3)
a. How will you disclose or reveal any bad news to a patient’s attendants
b. Mullerian agenesis
c .Stages of endometrial carcinoma



Students should note that the framing of some questions is ambiguous. While every effort has been made to cross-check the answers, students are advised to cross-check the solutions where there is a doubt. If you find that any answer provided needs revision, kindly mail at

We thank Arushi Arora and Ramya  for helping us with the solutions.


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