Solved University MCQ's


Medicine – Solved University MCQ’s 1. Which of the following is an acyanotic congenital heart disease? a. Atrial septal defect b. Ventricular septal defect c. Patent ductus arteriosus d. All of the above Answer:d 2. A 15 year old girl presents with a palpable purpuric rash over her lower limbs accompanied by polyarthralgia following a […]

Medicine – Solved University MCQ’s

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1. Which of the following is an acyanotic congenital heart disease?

a. Atrial septal defect b. Ventricular septal defect c. Patent ductus arteriosus d. All of the above


2. A 15 year old girl presents with a palpable purpuric rash over her lower limbs accompanied by polyarthralgia following a recent sore throat. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Rubella b. Measles c. Erythema multiforme d. Henoch-Schonlein purpura


3. A 24 year vegan male presents with fatigue and severe anemia. His hemogram shows: Hemoglobin 6.2 gm/dl, TCL-4300, Platelets: 88000/cu mm. and MCV of 117 fl. His unconjugated bilirubin is 2.2 mg/dl and LDH is 1550 U/L. What is the most probable diagnosis?

a. Iron deficiency b. Thalassemia c. Vitamin B12 deficiency d. Aplastic anemia


4. Kayser-Fleischer ring is seen in-

a. Hemochromatosis b. Wilson’s disease c. Gaucher’s disease d. Nieman-Pick’s disease


5. Which of the following is a feature of normal pressure hydrocephalus

a. Gait disturbance b. Urinary incontinence c. Dementia d. All of the above


6. Sign of portal hypertension includes

a. Ascites b. Splenomegaly c. Oesophageal varices d. All of the above


7. A 28 year old male has a blood pressure of 170/100 mm Hg having prominent aortic ejection click and murmers heard over the ribs of both sides anteriorly and over the back posteriorly. Patient has feeble pulse in lower extremities and complains of mild claudication with exertion. The most likely cause is-
a. Aortic stenosis Pericarditis b. Coarctation of aorta c. Pericarditis d. Cardiomyopathy


8. 30 year male presents with arthritis, hyperpigmentation skin, hypogonadism and Diabetes. Likely diagnosis is
a. Hemochromatosis b. Still disease c. Wilson’s disease d. Osteoarthritis


9. Young female presents with a rash on nose and cheeks. Examination revealed high blood pressure a pericardial rub. Most likely diagnosis is-
a. Dermatomyositis b. Polymyositis c. Systemic lupus erythematosus d. Rheumatoid arthritis


10. A 20 year old male, was brought in an unconscious state with frothing through mouth, constricted pupils, and bradycardia (HR= 48 bpm). What poisoning should one suspect?
a. Opioid ingestion b. Dhatura poisoning c. Organophosphate poisoning d. Cannabis overdose


11. Carcinoid tumor is most common in –

a. Oesophagus b. Stomach c. Jejunum d. Appendix


12. Pulsus bisferiens is seen in

a. Mitral stenosis b. Aortic stenosis c. Aortic regurgitation d. Combined aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation


13. Transient elastography is used to pick

a. Liver size b. Liver fibrosis c. Portal vein diameter d. All of the above


14. Which of the following is least likely to be a reperfusion arrhythmia?

a. Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia b. Ventricular fibrillation c. Ventricular premature contractions d. Accelerated idioventricular rhythm


15. Acute flaccid quadriparesis may be seen with

a. Motor neurone disease b. Lead paralysis c. Multiple Sclerosis d. Guillain Barre syndrome


16. Which is not a sign of right heart failure?

a. Bilateral basal crepts b. Elevated JVP c. Tender hepatomegaly d. Pedal oedema


17. Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of acute pancreatitis?

a. Epigastric pain radiating to the back
b. Obstipation or abdominal distension
c. Nausea and vomiting
d. Jaundice


18. In chronic renal failure, which electrolyte imbalance is commonly seen?

a. Hypernatremia b. Hyperkalemia c. Hypophosphatemia d. Hypercalcemia


19. Which of the following is a manifestation of Horner’s syndrome?

a. Ptosis b. Miosis c. Enophthalmos d. Al1 of the above


20. Which of the following is NOT a treatment option for Acute Gout?

a. NSAIDS b. Colchicine c. Prednisolone d. Allopurinol


21. Vidya, 21 year married female was brought to ER with abnormal posturing of limbs and persistent deviation of neck to one side. She had a family dispute with her in- laws two days back and was prescribed tablet haloperidol from psychiatric OPD yesterday what is the most likely causeway of her condition?
a. Conversion reaction b. Drug induced dystonia c. Acute psychosis d. Acute cerebrovascular accident


22. An 8 year old boy has presented with sudden onset of periorbital oedema which has progressed to oedema across his entire body. He has been lethargic with a poor appetite and states that his urine has looked a bit ‘frothy’ .On examination, he has leukonychia. What is the most appropriate initial investigation for this presentation?
a. Renal ultrasound b. Urine dipstick test c. Renal biopsy d. Fasting glucose


23. A person quarrels and hits his neighbour. He feels that his neighbour controls him with radio waves. Next day he feels that police is following him and may arrest him. The diagnosis is
a. Schizophrenia b. Delusion of persecution c. Thought insertion d. Conversion reaction


24. A nine year old female develops multiple large flaccid bullous lesions in skin with oral erosions. The histopathology shows intraepidermal acantholysis. The likely diagnosis is
a. Permphigoid b. Erythema multiforme c. Dermatitis herpetiformis d. Pemphigus vulgaris


25. A 26 year old male presents with severe itching and white scaly legions in the groins for past one month. The most likely causative organism is
a. Trichophyton rubrum b. Canada albicans c. Malassezia furfur d. Candida Glabrata


26. A 30 year old sexually active male has a large spreading exuberant ulcer on glans penis. There is a bright red granulation tissue in the ulcer but no regional lymphadenopathy. The likely causative organism is
a.T palladium b. N gonorrhoea c. H ducrei d. K granulomatosis


27. In a patient with certain cardiac lesions, antimicrobial prophylaxis is routinely indicated before dental procedures. Among the following which cardiac condition warrants antimicrobial profilaxis
a. Pacemaker in situ b. Mitral valve prolapse c. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy d. Unrepaired cyanotic congenital heart disease


28. A 30 year old man has presented with recent history of increased alcohol consumption, increased sexual indulgence, irritability, decreased need for sleep, not feeling fatigued even on prolonged periods of overactivity since 3 weeks. Most likely diagnosis is
a. Alcohol dependence b. Schizophrenia c. Mania d. Impulse control disorder


29. A person is reported missing from home. Few days later he was found in a market well dressed and appears to window shopping but has some degree of amnesia. The most probable diagnosis is
a. Delirium b. Dissociative amnesia c. Dissociative fugue d. Dissociative identity disorder


30. An elderly patient who was treated with amitriptyline for depressive episode presents to the emergency with urinary retention, constipation and blurring of vision. The likely cause for the problem is
a. Anticholinergic side effects b. Onset of depressive stupor c. Prostate enlargement d. Dementia


31. Trismus with board like rigidity of the abdomen is a characteristic feature of
a. Botulism b. Porphyria c. Tetanus d. Peritonitis


32. A 14 year old boy exclusively fed on maize comes to OPD with history of skin rash, diarrhoea, nausea and neurological symptoms like confusion, amnesia and delusions. What could be the cause of these symptoms
a. Acute HIV syndrome b. Niacin deficiency c. Thiamine deficiency d. Vitamin C deficiency


33. A 43 year old truck driver presents with history of weight loss and fever for past three months. He has passt history of several episodes of various genital infections. Examination reveals generalised lymphadenopathy and oral candidiasis. The next advisable test is
a. TPHA test b.HIV antibody c. LN biopsy d. HBsAg


34. A farmer presents with fever of 7 days duration, petichial rash and jaundice for 1 day. At presentation he was found to have acute kidney injury also. The likely infective agent is
a. Leptospirosis b. Brucella c. Yersinia d. Bibesia


35. A patient presents with history of intermittent fever, abdominal pain and headache. Abdominal examination shows tenderness and hepatosplenomegaly. His blood culture is positive for Salmonella typhi. The antibiotic of choice for this patient is
a. Ciprofloxacin b. Gentamycin c. Metronidazole d. Vancomycin


36. The crown of a very carious tooth suddenly fractures while the patient is standing eating in a marriage function and a fragment is inhaled. It is most likely to enter the
a. Right lung because right main bronchus is wider and more vertical b. Left lung because the left main bronchus is wider and more vertical c. Any lung because the two main bronchi are of equal size and at the same angulation d. Any lung because it mainly depends on gravity


37. In a patient with history of muscle cramps and carpopedal spasm which of the following serum electrolyte level is likely to be low
a. Calcium b. Chloride c. Potassium d. sodium


38. A pleural aspirate of high protein content, 250 cells predominantly lymphocytes and low glucose contents is most likely to be due to

a. Acute pancreatitis b. Tuberculosis c. Para pneumonic effusion d. Malignant lymphoma


39. A patient has been diagnosed with extensively drug resistant tuberculosis(XDR-TB). Which of the following drug class will be useful in this patient

a. Rifampicin b. Amikacin c. Moxifloxacin d. Linezolid


40. Reduced FEV1/FVC ratio with normal FVC is suggestive of

a. Obstructive lung disease b. Restrictive lung disease c. Mixed pattern d. Normal pattern




Q.2 Discuss the clinical features, management and complications of ulcerative colitis.(4+4+4)

Q.3 Write short notes on(5×4)
a. Explain the clinical features of migraine and its management
b. Describe microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus
c. Explain the approach to hemolytic anemia
d. Describe the management of Myxoedema

Q.4 Explain why(3×5)
a. ACE inhibitors are used for management of acute myocardial infarction
b. Salt restriction is advised for patients of chronic liver disease
c. Steroids are used in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
d. Vitamin B12 supplementation is done before iron therapy in dimorphic anemia
e. Dopamine agonists are used in Parkinson’s disease

Q5. Write short notes on(applied aspects)(6×3)
a. Explain clinical features of Myaesthenia Gravis and its management
b. Describe the lifestyle modifications advised for coronary artery disease
c. Describe the clinical features and management of Cushing’s syndrome

Q6 Write short answer(5×3)
a. Describe clinical features of aluminum phosphide poisoning
b. Describe steps to diagnose infective endocarditis
c. Explain steps to Break Bad News to patient/attendant

Q2. A 22 years old male presented to emergency with history of acute onset breathlessness and dry cough for last 3 hours. He gives a history of visit to a nearby bird zoo. He is dysgenic with inability to speak in sentences. Examination reveals normal pulse and blood pressure. The accessory muscles of respiration were working. His chest was rather silent. His ABG revealed PaO 2 of 48 mm Hg paCO2 of 34mm Hg and pH of 7.34. What is the diagnosis? How would you investigate and treat this patient (2+5+5)

Q.3 Write short notes on (5×4)
a. Discuss the medical legal issues pertaining to organ donation in India
b. Explain the etiopathogenesis of acute tubular necrosis
c. Describe alcohol related psychosis
d. Describe HIV post exposure prophylaxis

Q.4 Explain why (3×5)
a. Anaemia occurs in chronic kidney disease
b. Sputum examination is a key of diagnosis in many infectious and non infectious disorders of respiratory system
c. Hypoglycemia occurs in patient with falciparum malaria
d. Delusions and hallucinations are seen in schizophrenia
e. Antimicrobial resistance can be transmitted in bacteria

Q5. Write short notes on(applied aspects)(6×3)
a. Describe diagnostic approach to a patient with proteinuria
b. Explain syndromic approach to treatment of sexually transmitted infections
c. Describe the aetiology types clinical features and treatment of Beri Beri

Q6 Write short answer(5×3)
a. Describe the clinical features and treatment of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
b. Describe chronic kidney disease and stated clinical staging
c. Describe Lepra reactions and discuss their treatment


Students should note that the framing of some questions is ambiguous. While every effort has been made to cross-check the answers, students are advised to cross-check the solutions where there is a doubt. If you find that any answer provided needs revision, kindly mail at

We thank Arushi Arora and Ramya  for helping us with the solutions.


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