Solved University MCQ's


ENT – Solved University MCQ’s ENT 2023/02 1.A new born presents with bilateral microtia and external auditory canal atresia.Corrective surgery is usually performed ata.Less than one year of age b.5-7 years of age c.Puberty d.AdulthoodAnswer: b2.A 3 year old child presented with complaint of bilateral profound hearing loss and plan for cochlear implantation.During surgery while […]

ENT – Solved University MCQ’s

ENT 2023/02

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1.A new born presents with bilateral microtia and external auditory canal atresia.Corrective surgery is usually performed at
a.Less than one year of age b.5-7 years of age c.Puberty d.Adulthood
Answer: b
2.A 3 year old child presented with complaint of bilateral profound hearing loss and plan for cochlear implantation.During surgery while doing posterior tympanotomy through the facial recess there are chances of injury to the following except
a.Facial nerve horizontal part b.Chorda tympani c.Dislodgement of short process of incus from fossa incudis dvertical descending part of facial nerve
Answer: a
3.Inferior and vertical postauricular incision in children less than 2 years old may cause damage to which cranial nerve
a.VIII b.VII c.VI d.V
Answer: b
4.A 5 year old child develops parotitis following otitis externa.This could have happened through
a.Cochlear aqueduct b.Fissures of santorini c.Isthmus d Foramen of Morgagni
Answer: b
5.A 38 year old gentleman reports of decreased hearing in the right ear for the last 2 years.On testing with a 512 Hz tuning fork,the rinne test is negative on the right ear and positive on the left year.With the Webers test the tone is perceived as louder in the left ear.Most likely the patient has
a.Right conductive hearing loss b.Right severe sensorineural hearing loss c.Left sensorineural hearing loss d.Left conductive hearing loss
Answer: b
6. A 38 year old male presented with a suspect diagnosis of suppurate labyrinthitis.A positive Rinne test and positive Fistula test was recorded on initial investigation.The patient refused treatment and returned to the emergency department after 2 weeks complaining of deafness in the affected ear.On examination fistula test was observed to be negative.What is the likely expected finding on repeating the rinne test?
a.True positive rinne test b.False positive rinne test c.True negative rinne test d.False negative rinne test
Answer: d
7.A young man presents with loss of hearing in right ear following an accident.On otoscopic examination the tympanic membrane was normal.Pure tone audiometry shows an air bone gap of 55dB in the right normal cochlear reserve.Which of the following will be likely tympanometry finding?
a.As type tympanogram b.Ad type tympanogram c.B type tympanogram d.C type tympanogram
Answer: b
8.A 37 year old male with history of fever for 4 days and sore throat has right peritonsillar swelling but no airway distress. The best management is
a.IV antibiotics +possible incision and drainage b. IV antibiotics + tracheostomy
c. IV antibiotics alone d.Tracheostomy alone
Answer: a
9.A 56 year old male with history of RTA sustained laryngeal trauma and is not in respiratory distress.He has subcutaneous emphysema and you feel cricoids fracture.Flexible scope done shows supra-glottic laceration.What should be done?
a.Primary open repair and tracheotomy b.Cricothyroidotomy and laryngoscope c.Observation and steroid d.Endoscopic exploration and stent
Answer: b
10.A post dental extraction patient presents with tender swelling in submental area with pain and fever.Most likely diagnosis is
a.Retropharyngeal abscess b.parapharyngeal abscess c.Ludwig angina d.Vincent angina
Answer: c
11.A 5 year old boy having dinner suddenly becomes aphonic and is brought to casualty for the complaint of respiratory difficulty .What is the most appropriate management?
a.Cricothyroidotomy b.Tracheostomy c.Humidified oxygen d.Heimlich maneuver
12.A 10 year old boy developed hoarseness of voice following an attack of diphtheria.On examination his right vocal cord was paralyzed.The treatment of choice for paralyzed vocal cord will be
a.Gel foam injection of vocal cord b.Fat injection of right vocal cord c.Tyroplasty type 1 d.Wait for spontaneous recovery
Answer: d
13.A case of carcinoma larynx with the involvement of anterior commissure and right vocal cord developed perichondritis of thyroid cartilage.Which of the following statements is true for the management of this case?
a.He should be given radical radiotherapy as this can cure early tumours
b.He should be treated with combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy
c.He should first receive radiotherapy and if residual tumour is present then should undergo laryngectomy
d.He should first undergo laryngectomy and the postoperative radiotherapy
Answer: d
14.A man is using xylometazoline nasal drops continuously for long period of time.What can be the possible adverse effect?
aMulberry turbinate b.Allergic rhinitis c.Vasomotor rhinitis d.Rhinitis medicamentosa
Answer: d
15.A young female with a long history of sinusitis presents with frequent episodes of fever,headache of recent origin along with personality changes.Fundus examination reveals papilloedema.Most likely diagnosis is
a.Frontal lobe abscess b.Meningitis c.Orbital cellulitis d.Encephalitis
Answer: a
16.Which of the following statements are true regarding rhinoscleroma?
i.The histopathology shows foamy macrophages with intracytoplasmic bacilli and plasma cells with Russel bodies
ii.It is caused by Klebsiella pneumonia
iii.It is caused by a gram positive bacillus
iv.Nasal obstruction is a common complaint
v.Streptomycin and tetracycline for 4-6 weeks are used in treatment
a.i,iv,v b i,ii,iii c.i,iii,v d iii,iv,v
Answer: a
17.A 5 year old child after adenoidectomy developed hypernasality and nasal regurgitation of food.What could be the cause?
a.Velopharyngeal insufficiency b.Glossopharyngeal nerve injury c.Reactionary hemorrhage d.Trauma to soft palate
Answer: a
18.A 15 year old male child presenting with complaint of recurrent profuse epistaxis with unilateral nasal obstruction.All the following are true except
a.Biopsy required for diagnosis b.Most common presentation is ipistaxis c.Arises from the lateral wall of nasopharynx at the sphenopalatine foramen d.In late cases frog face deformity occurs
Answer: a
19.A 5 year old child is scheduled for tonsillectomy.On the day of surgery he had running nose,temperature 37.5 degree celcius and dry cough.Which of the following should be the most appropriate decicion for surgery?
a.Surgery should be done next day and child should be put on iv antibiotics and paracetamol
b.Can proceed for surgery on the same day after starting iv antibiotics and paracetamol
c.Get X ray chest done and if normal proceed for surgery
d.Cancel surgery for 3 weeks and put the patient on antibiotics
Answer: d
20.A child presented with history of pain during swallowing and noisy breathing.Examination revealed a toxic tachypnoeic child with inspiratory stridor and drooling of saliva.The X ray soft tissue neck lateral view shows thumb sign.The most probable diagnosis is
a.Acute epiglottitis b.Croup c.Retropharyngeal abscess d.Prevertebral abscess
Answer: a

ENT 2023/06

21.A 60 year old diabetic patient presents with extremely painful lesion in the external ear and otorrhoea.There is evidence of granulation type tissue in the external ear and bony erosion with facial nerve palsy is noted

a.Levenson’s criteria used for diagnosis b.Gallium scan can be used to monitor the response to therapy c.CT scan help in confirming diagnosis d.Most common causative organism is staphylococcus
What are correct statements regarding this case

a.B,C,D b.B,C c.A,B d.A,C

Answer: b
22.A 3 year old child presented with fever and ear ache.Endoscopic appearance of tympanic membrane shows erythematous and hypomobile tympanic membrane.The treatment of choice is
a.Myringotomy with grommet insertion b.Oral antibiotics c.Anti allergic and decongestants only d.Cortical mastoidectomy
Answer: a
23.A 35 year old patient has 6 months of non-foul smelling ear discharge and hearing loss .The TM appearance shows central perforation.Treatment includes all except
a.Topical antibiotics b.Systemic antibiotics c. Mastoidectomy d.Tympanoplasty
Answer: c
24.Rahul presented with persistent ear discharge and hearing loss.Modified radical mastoidectomy was done to him.Patient comes back with persistent ear discharge and retro-orbital pain.What is your diagnosis?
a.Diffuse serous labyrithitis b.Purulent labyrithitis c.Petrositis d.Latent mastoiditis
Answer: c
25.A 30 year old woman with family history of hearing loss from mother’s side developed hearing problem during pregnancy.Hearing loss is bilateral,slowly progressive.Pute tone audiometry shows apparent bone conduction hearing loss at 2000Hz.Which of following is true?
a.Tympanogram shows high compliance b.Most common site is fissula post fenestrum c.A flat,rising or cookie bite AC curve with unusually good speech discrimination d.Cochlear implantation is treatment of choice
Answer: c
26.Two months following parotid surgery patient presents with flushing and sweating of cheek while having his meals.Which of the following is false about this condition
a.Tympanic neurectomy is contraindicated b.Due to faulty regeneration of parasympathetic nerves c.Sternocleiodomastoid flap is used in treatment d.Inj botulinum toxin is given
Answer: a
27.A young man with history of ear infection presents with a smooth erythematous swelling on mastoid process.Which is most likely diagnosis?
a.Furunculosis b.Acute matoiditis c.Fibrous dysplasia d.Facial palsy
Answer: b
28.An infant is brought with stridor.He is diagnosed to have laryngomalacia.The following things will be found in the child except
a.Stridor will be inspiratory b.Floppy AE folds c.Prominent arytenoids d.Hoarse cry
Answer: b
29.During a thyroid operation a nerve coursing along with the superior thyroid artery is injured.What can be the possible consequences?
a.Loss of sensation above vocal cord b.Loss of sensation below vocal cord c.Paralysis of lateral cricoarytenoid d.Paralysis of cricothyroid mucle
Answer: d
30.Neha 4 years of age presented in emergency with mild respiratory distress.On laryngoscopy she was diagnosed to have multiple juvenile papillomatosis of the larynx.Next line of management is
a.Tracheostomy b.Microlaryngoscopic excision c.Steroid d.Antibiotics
Answer: b
31.A 50 year old male presents with 4 cm hard immobile lymph node in the middle deep cervical region.FNAC shows metastatic squamous cell carcinoma.O/E no lesion was found in the head and neck.Further management will be
a.Oesophagoscopy b.Triple endoscopy c.Laryngoscopy d.Supravital staining
Answer: b
32.A 40 year old man who met with a motor vehicle catastrophe came to the casuality with severe maxillofacial trauma.His pulse rate was 120/min,BP was 100/70 mm Hg,SpO2-80% with oxygen,what would be the immediate management?
a.Nasotracheal intubation b.Orotracheal intubation c.Intravenous fluid d.Tracheostomy
Answer: d
33.Following right hemi-thyroidectomy patient presents with weakness of voice and inability to raise his pitch.On examination the vocal cords move with respiration and right vocal cord is floppy.On phonation there is a skew position of vocal cord.What has probably happened?
a.Right superior laryngeal nerve palsy b.Right recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy c.There is a normal finding after hemi-thyroidectomy d.Bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
Answer: a
34.On laryngoscopy vocal cords are described as being in cadaveric position.This means they are:
a.Paralyzed and abducted b.Paralyzed and bowed c.Fixed d.None of the above
Answer: c
35.A 5 year old child presents to your clinic with complaint of recurrent respiratory tract infection.Mother complains about this recurring infection,mouth breathing and decreased hearing.Treatment of choice for this condition is
a.Myringoplasty b.Tonsillectomy c.Adenoidectomy d. Grommet insertion
Answer: c
36.A 70 year old male presents with neck nodes.Examination reveals a dull tympanic membrane ,deafness and tinnitus and on evaluation ,audiometry gives curve B.The most probable diagnosis is
a.Tumor in ear b.Sensorineural hearing loss c.Nasopharyngeal carcinoma d.Fluid in ear
Answer: c
37.A 2 year old child is brought to the hospital with compressible swelling at the root of the nose,most likely diagnosis is
a.AV malformation b.Lacrimal sac cyst c.Ethmoid sinus cyst d.Meningoencephalocele
Answer: d
38. Chandu , 68 year old is diabetic and presents with black,foul smelling discharge from nose.Examination reveals blackish discoloration of the inferior turbinate.The diagnosis is
a.Aspergillosis b.Mucormycosis c.Infarct of inferior turbinate d.Foreign body
Answer: b
39.A 2 year old child has purulent nasal discharge,fever and pain since 2 months.His fever is 102-103 degree celcius and leucocyte count is 12000cu/mm.X ray PNS showed opacification of left ethmoidal air cells.The culture of the eye discharge was negative.Which of the following would be most useful further step in evaluation of this patient?
a.CT scan b.Urine culture c.Blood culture d.Repeat culture of eye discharge
Answer: a
40.A patient with hoarseness of voice was found to be having Pachydermia laryngis.All of the following are true except
a.It is a hyperkeratotic lesion present within the anterior 2/3rds of the vocal cords
b.It is not a premalignant lesion
c.Diagnosis is made by biopsy
d.On microscopy,it shows hyperkeratosis
Answer: a

41. A 13 year old child presents with right ear ache and reduced hearing for five days on examination right tympanic membrane is congested and bulging there is right facial paralysis (House Brackmann grade 3) is noticed what will be the treatment of
a. Immediate facial nerve exploration with antibiotics and steroids b. Systemic antibiotics and decongestants c. Systemic antibiotics and steroids d. Modified radical mastoidectomy with facial nerve decompression

42. Name the classification shown in image below
Image with headings suprastructure,mesostructure,infrastructue and orbit.Image has 2 horizontal lines one passing through floor of orbit and other through floor of maxillary antrum.Vertical line is along medial canthus downwards.Suprastructure contains ethmoid,sphenoid and frontal sinus.
a. Ohngren’s classification b Lederman’s classification c.Leefort classification d AJCC classification

43. Impedance audiometry is for pathology of
a. External year b. Middle year c. Mastoid air cells d. Tympanic membrane

44. Commando operation may be used for treatment of
a. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma b. Stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma of larynx c. Nasopharyngeal adenocarcinoma d. Oropharyngeal carcinoma

45. A child presents with foul smelling clear discharge,a small perforation was seen in pars flaccida during otoscopy while pars tensa was intact. Which of the following is treatment of choice
a. Topical antibiotics + Decontestants for 4 weeks b .Systemic antibiotics and follow up for one month c.Tympanoplasty d.Tympano mastoid exploration

46. Ossicle most commonly involved in CSOM
a.Stapes suprastructure b.Incus c. Malleus d Stapes foot plate

47. Which after following is not correct about Tubercular laryngitis
a.Turban epiglottis b.Mouse nibbled vocal cords c.Omega epiglottis d.Ulceration over arytenoids

48. Which one of the following is not early presentation of supraglottic carcinoma
a.Otalgia b. Neck swelling c. Hoseness of voice d. History of smoking

49.A 30 year old male with attic Cholesteatoma of left ear with lateral sinus thrombophlebitis presents in ENT OPD.Which of the following procedures should be planned?
a.Intact canal wall mastoidectomy b.Cortical mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty c.Canal wall down mastoidectomy d. Mastoidectomy with cavity obliteration

50. Stridor
a. It is only a symptom not a sign b. Recession of suprasternal ,supra clavicular, intercostal and sub coastal space indicate mild form of respiratory difficulty c. Cyanosis indicates early stage d. it is never a diagnosis nor a disease

51. Palliative treatment of advanced head and neck malignant tumours involves all the following except :
a. Gastrostomy b. Tracheostomy c. Nausea and vomiting typically controlled using cyclizine d. Antibiotics to treat infections

52. Early post- tonsillectomy complications include all the following except
a. Oedema of uvula b.Secondary bleeding c. Pneumonia d. Referred otalgia

53. Benign lesions affecting posterior glottis part of larynx include all except
a. Contact ulcer b. Pachydermia of larynx c. Intubation granuloma d Chondroma

54. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding audiogram
a. Blue line is for left ear b. Dotted line is for bone conduction c. Masking is must for AC testing d. Masking users narrow-band white nose in nose test here to avoid its response

55. Most common site of origin of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
a. Roof of Nasopharynx b. At sphenopalatine foramen c. Vault of skull d. Lateral wall of nose

56. Trotter’s triad includes all the following except
a .Mandibular neuralgia b Deafness C palatal palsy d. Seizures

57. Laryngofissure
a. Opening of larynx in middle b. Making a window in thyroid cartilage c. Removal of arytenoids d .Removal of epiglottis

58. In PTA the symbol X is used to mark
a. Air conduction in right ear b. Air conduction in left ear c. Bone conduction in right ear d. bone conduction in left ear

59.Reinke’s edema is seen in
a. Edges of vocal cords b. Vestibular folds c. between true and false vocal cords d. In Pyriform Fossa

60. Secondary haemorrhage after tonsillectomy develops
a. Within 12 hours b. Within six days c. Within 24 hours d. Within one month

61.Which structure is shown below
a. Agger nasi cell b. Onodi cell c Haller cell d. Infraorbital cell

62.Myer’s cotton staging is used for
a. Tracheoesophageal fistula b. Subglortic stenosis c. Glortic stenosis d. Tracheal stenosis

63.A sloping down audiogram is characteristic of
a. Meniere’s disease b.Otosclerosis c. Presbycusis d. Congenital hearing loss

64.A 72 years old female diabetic patient, presented with sudden right blurring of vision, ptosis with right purulent nasal discharge since five days. On examination, a blackish discoloration is seen involving right middle turbinate with right ptosis and chemosis. What is your provisional diagnosis
a. Mucomycosis b. Malignancy c. Acute sinusitis with intra orbital complications d. Aspergillosis

65.Schwartz operation is also called as a
a.Cortical mastoidectomy b. Modified radical mastoidectomy c.Fenestration operation d. Bondi’s masteroidectomy

66.A 50 year old female diabetic had severe ear pain, granulation tissue in external year with facial nerve palsy. This is due to
a.Malignant otitis media b. Otomycosis c. Herpes zoster otitis d. None

67.Lateral sinus thrombophlembitus is associated with all except
a.Greisinger sign b.Gradenigo sign c.Crowe beck sign d. Tobey Ayer test

68.All are causes of proptosis except
a.Grave’s disease b. Frontal mucocele c. Acoustic neuroma d. Wagner’s granulomatosis

69.Zenker’s diverticulum is due to defect in
a.Superior constrictor muscle b. Middle constrictor muscle c. Inferior constrictor muscle d. All the above

70.Levenson’s criteria does not include
a .Whitish mass behind intact tympanic membrane b. Normal pars tensa and pars flaccida c. Prior history of Otorrhoea d. History of aural fullness
Answer: c

71.Which of the following is not correct about Sampter’s triad
a. Nasal polyposis b. Cystic fibrosis c. Aspirin sensitivity d.Atopy

72. A50 year old male presented with otalgia, on examination both external auditory canal and Tympanic membrane was normal. All the following might be the sites of origin of his pain except
a. Neck b. Pharynx c..Eye d. Nose

73. Radiotherapy is the treatment of choice for
a. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma b. Stage 3 squamouscell carcinoma of larynx c. Nasopharyngeal adenocarcinoma d.Oropharyngeal carcinoma

74.In a patient with TM perforation tympanometry shows
a. Flat curve b.As curve c.Ad curve d.C curve

75. Trauma to posterior pillar during tonsillectomy causes
a. Trismus b. Bleeding c. nasal regurgitation d ankyloglossia

76.Semi circular canal involved in positive romberg test with eyes closed detects a defect in
a. Proprioceptive pathway b. Cerebellum c. Spinothalamic tract d. Peripheral nerve

77.Ossicle most commonly involved in CSOM
a. Stepes b. Head of malleus c. Long process of incus d. Handle of malleus

78. A 66 year old Chinese man presents with a two month history of neck swelling in the right posterior triangle, on further questioning he tells you that his hearing has also declined in the right ear he also has a blocked nose. What is the likely diagnosis
a. Lymphoma b. Metastatic lymph node from a nasopharyngeal carcinoma c. Parotid tumor d. Metastatic lymph node from oroopharyngeal carcinoma

79.Earliest sign of glomus tumor is
a. Pulsatile tinnitus b.Sensorineural deafness c Headache d. Vertigo

80. Steeple sign is seen in
a. Croup b. Acute epiglottitis c. Laryngomalacia d. Quincy

Q2 A 16 year old boy presented in the emergency with severe epistaxis and history of nasal obstruction,gradually deteriorating over a period of last 3 years.There is also history of episodes of profuse bleeding requiring hospital admission over this time.On examination a smooth lobulated mass is seen in the right nose[1+3+3+5]a.What is your probable diagnosis?
b.Define the pathology of your diagnosed lesion?
c.What investigations would you carry out to confirm your diagnosis?
d.Briefly outline the management of your diagnosed lesion?

Q3Writs short notes on 5×4
a.Draw a neat labeled diagram of medial wall of middle ear
b.Posterior rhinoscopy
c.Dysphonia plica ventricularis
d.Types of deviated nasal septum

Q4Explain why?3×5
a.There is sensorineural loss in chronic otitis media
b.Usually,no treatment is required for unilateral vocal cord
c.An antrochoanal polyp grows posteriorly in the nasal cavity
d.There is primary haemorrhage after tonsillectomy
e.There is bilateral nasal obstruction in a case of deviated nasal septum on left side

Q5Write short answer(applied aspect) 6×3
b.Juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis

Q6Write short answer 5×3
a.Distinguish between tubo-tympanic and attico-antral type of chronic otitis media
b.Briefly outline the principle and indications of functional endoscopic sinus surgery
c.Informed consent
Q2 A 14 year old boy is suffering from chronic otitis media-mucosal disease in the left ear for the past 8 years.All of a sudden he develops discharging ear with pain.Along with this he also has headache,nausea , vomiting,fever and neck rigidity.Brudzinski and Kernig’s sign are positive.[2+2+2+2+4]a.What is the most common intracranial complication he is likely to suffer from?
b. What investigations would you recommend for confirming your diagnosis?
c.What is the principle of management in this case?
d.If untreated in which lobe of the brain is he likely to develop an abycess?
e.Briefly outline the pathways of spread for intracranial complications in chronic otitis media.

Q3Writs short notes on 5×4
a.Draw a neat labeled diagram of lateral wall of nose wuth all turbinates cut showing the opening of various sinuses of nose?
b.Indirect laryngoscopy
c.Acute epiglottitis
d.Distinguish between antrochoanal and ethmoidal polyp

Q4Explain why?3×5
a.There is distortion or loss of taste in some patients undergoing myringoplasty.
b.A patient of otosclerosis hears better in noisy surroundings
c.Humidification of air is required in a patient of tracheostomy.
d.Wrestlers have cauliflower ear
e.A patient with anterior nasal packing after septoplasty has increased lacrimation and dryness of mouth.

Q5Write short answer(applied aspect) 6×3
a.Parapharyngeal abscess
b.Le fort fractures of the maxilla
c.Pathways of direct spread of squamous cell carcinoma of the maxillary sinus.

Q6Write short answer 5×3
a.What are the basic two tuning fork tests used in otology to test the integrity of vestibulocochlear nerve?
b.What are vocal nodules?Briefly describe their management.
c.Briefly outline the pathway of hearing in a schematic flow chart from ear to the brain.

2024/02 Mains

Q2. A 35 year old male came to Ent opd with complaints of Woody’s hard external nose .On nasal examination there is atrophic dry nasal mucosa with extensive crusting.(2+2+2+2+4)
a. What is your provisional diagnosis?
b. What are the various stages of the disease?
c. Mentioned clinical features of each stage?
d. How will you confirm the diagnosis of the disease?
e. What is the management of the disease?

Q3. Write short notes on(5×4)
a. Recurrent laryngeal nervepalsy.
b. Allergic rhinitis: diagnosis and management
c. Differential diagnosis and management of a patient suffering from thyroglossal cyst
d. Stages of acute suppurative otitis media

Q4. Explain why?(3×5)
a. Improvement in hearing during the active stage of tubo- tympanic type of CSOM with posterior- superior quadrant perforation
b. Biopsy is contraindicated in Nasopharyngeal angio fibroma
c. High tracheostomy is indicated in surgical management of cancer larynx
d. Septoplasty can be done at any age whereas SMR should be done after 14 years of age
e. There is a dip in bone conduction curve of PTA at 2 khz in otosclerosis

Q5. Write short note on( applied aspect)(6×3)
a. Described clinical features and management of chronic tonsillitis
b. C S F rhinorrhea
c. Draw labeled diagram of tympanic membrane .Describe intra temporal complications of CSOM

Q6. Write short answer:(5×3)
a. Describe differentiating points between mucosal and squamous type of CSOM
b. Define doctor patient confidentiality .Explain privileged communication with examples.
c. Clinical features of a patient with adenoid facies

2024/05 Supplementary
Q2 . A 35 year old patient presents with bilateral conductive hearing loss since five years on otoscopy bilateral typanic membrane normal tympanogram type A curve is seen with bilateral stapedial reflexes absent                                                                                                                                                                      (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4)
a. What is your provisional diagnosis?
b. Discuss aetiopathogenesis of disease
c. What are signs and symptoms of disease?
d. Enumerate differential diagnosis of disease
e. Discuss surgical management of disease

Q3 Write short notes on (5×4)
a. Draw label diagram of tonsillar bed
b. Landmark for identification of facial nerve during ear surgery
c. Endoscopic anatomy of lateral wall of nose with special emphasis on osteomeatal complex (OMC)
d. Thyroglossal cyst

Q4 Explain why(3×5)
a. Hoarseness of voice is an early feature in glottis carcinoma
b. Antrochoanal polyp grows posteriorly into the nasopharynx
c. Impedance matching is a function of the middle ear cleft
d. Boundaries of Mac-Ewan’s triangle are important for mastoid exploration
e. Biopsy is contraindicated in nasopharyngeal angiofibroma

Q5 Write short answer (applied aspect) (6×3)
a. How will you diagnose, confirm and manage a case of Rhinosporidiosis
b.Enlist clinical types and management of acute tonsillitis
c. The applied anatomy of Eustachain tube and various eustachain tube function tests

Q6 Write short answer(5×3)
a. Describe etiopathology, clinical presentation and management of allergic rhinitis
b. Rinke’s edema clinical presentation and its management
c. A six year old child which stridor requires emergency tracheostomy. Kindly discuss consent for procedure



Students should note that the framing of some questions is ambiguous. While every effort has been made to cross-check the answers, students are advised to cross-check the solutions where there is a doubt. If you find that any answer provided needs revision, kindly mail at

We thank Arushi Arora and Ramya  for helping us with the solutions.



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